[FOSS4G2016] [Program] Accept/decline email draft

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 05:52:53 PDT 2016

Hi Loc and Program-Committee,

here is a draft of the reject/decline emails for the talks. I'd like to
send it out soon, so please have a look at it ASAP.



Dear {{proposal.speaker}},

Thank you for submitting a presentation proposal to FOSS4G 2016.
The Program Committee has worked very hard to decide which proposals
were the best fit for the conference and to create an exciting and
engaging program for our attendees.

Your talk



The decision process was following the guidelines from 2014:
And updated version of this year's process will follow soon.

A list of all accepted talks will be published on the FOSS4G website
on May 1st.

If you are UNABLE to attend, please let the committee know as
soon as possible, but not later than July 1st, by sending an e-mail
to program at foss4g2016.org. If you are able to attend, then there
is no need to let us know.

If you haven't registered for the conference by July 1st, expect
an e-mail from us asking you about your plans. Remember, the early
bird discount ends on May 8th, so just go ahead and register now.

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer any additional discount to
presenters. However, we do have a travel grant program. Applications
for that are due on May 31st. For more information, please see:

Please look over your proposal at https://proposals.2016.foss4g.org/
again and review for grammar, typos, etc. This information will appear
on the website and in the printed program.

Thank you for you proposal and we look forward to seeing you in

The FOSS4G 2016 Program Committee


Dear {{proposal.speaker}},

Thank you for submitting a presentation proposal to FOSS4G 2016.
The Program Committee has worked very hard to decide which proposals
were the best fit for the conference and to create an exciting and
engaging program for our attendees.

Your talk



The decision process was following the guidelines from 2014:
And updated version of this year's process will follow soon.

A list of all accepted talks will be published on the FOSS4G website
on May 1st.

Please forgive us. You're awesome. Your proposal was awesome.
We just couldn't accept them all.

Come to FOSS4G! One of the best things about FOSS4G is that it
gives attendees an opportunity to see what everyone is talking
about, what's up and coming, and most of all it's inspiring! You
are guaranteed to get more ideas for talks for you to propose at
the next FOSS4G.

Thank you for you proposal and we look forward to seeing you in

The FOSS4G 2016 Program Committee

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