[FOSS4G2016] OSgeo keynote (RE: LAST CHANCE: Keynotes FOSS4G 2016)

Marc Vloemans marcvloemans1 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 07:22:54 PDT 2016


All, anything like this to go beyond traditional projects-related run of the mill subjects and take a broader view on FOSSGIS. 

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

> Op 27 apr. 2016 om 12:37 heeft Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl <gert-jan at osgeo.nl> het volgende geschreven:
> Till, Volker, Marc, Arnulf, 
> +1 for giving OSGeo a panel for the new strategy. An absolute must have!
> Whether this keynote is presented by Venka (president) Dirk or Helena (vice-presidents), or by Jody (who submitted a regular talk on this topic) Í would like to leave up to the Board. 
> My favorite setup would be to have the strategic plans folded out in a keynote, and after that (same day or next day) have one of our "topic talks" (3 presentations + discussion on one topic) on the subject "FOSS: the next steps". 
> Both the next steps in the OSGeo strategy, as well as the Location Tech activities (by Andrea) would fit in such a "topic talk")
> Preferably to be organized in close relation with the Board and LocTech. 
> Or even just by the Board and LocTech.
> regards, 
> GJ
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: till.adams at fossgis.de [mailto:till.adams at fossgis.de] 
> Verzonden: woensdag 27 april 2016 08:55
> Aan: list
> CC: Codrina; Gert-Jan; Marc Vloemans; Arnulf
> Onderwerp: LAST CHANCE: Keynotes FOSS4G 2016
> Dear Team!
> Since my last call not really much happened with our keynotes.
> Just to sum up:
> - Homepage Team: please have a look, there are three keynoters fixed:
> see #276, #294, #295 and #307
> -> TODO: Please add them to the homepage as outlined in #294 and #295
> Leave us open three more keynoters:
> - Codrinas reply for her Open Data keynoter is still pending. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!!!  Decision: TODAY
> - Ask CJ Hendrix from UN-Ocha instead? Decision: TODAY
> - Pending request from Planet (see my emails from monday) - other opinions?
> - Giving OSGeo a panel to introduce to the new strategy of OSGeo? I would prefer having Dirk Frigne as a presenter for this topic, he talks quite well.
> Please note:
> If I do NOT receive any constructional-minded replies/suggestions by TODAY, 27.4., I go ahead with Planet, Dirk for OSgeo and will knock on CJ Hendrix/UN Ocha's door.
> Till
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