OpenEV_FW 1.4.1 Binary Release For Windows

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at p...
Thu Apr 18 14:41:06 EDT 2002


I have prepared a binary release of OpenEV and a bunch of related tools,
including GDAL, OGR, OGDI and PROJ.4 utilities. It can be downloaded from
one of:

I have included the README below.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at p...
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

Open Source GIS/RS Binary Kit for Windows

OpenEV For Windows 98/NT/2000

VERSION: OpenEV 1.4.1_FW

After unzipping edit the setfw.bat file in a text editor, and change
OPENEV_FW_DIR to point to wherever you put the resulting directory tree.

A sample image, utm.tif, is provided in the directory demo-data under
your install directory. Start OpenEV by running openev.bat in a command
window, then select File, Open and double click on the demo-data directory
in the left column. Select the image utm.tif and then OK.

See the online help for how to use OpenEV (fron the Help menu in OpenEV,
note: you must have a html browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer

web page:

email: OpenEV at a...

OpenEV was funded in part by Atlantis Scientific (
and GeoInnovations (

Other Libraries, and Utilities

o GDAL 1.1.7, including gdalinfo, gdal_translate, and gdaltindex utilities.
- Includes ECW, and OGDI raster support.
o OGR 1.1.7, including ogrinfo, ogr2ogr, and ogrtindex utilities.
- Includes OGDI vector, and GML support.
- Includes SoftmapSF.dll (OpenGIS Simple Features for COM/OLEDB provider)
(just register it using "regsvr32 openev_fw\bin\SoftmapSF.dll")
o Includes sfcdump.exe, an SF OLE DB provider dumper.
o PROJ 4.4.4 plus proj.exe and cs2cs.exe
o Gnuplot plotting package (run pgnuplot).
o OGDI 3.1.0, gltpd, ogdi_import and ogdi_info.
o Python 2.0

About this Package

This package was prepared by Frank Warmerdam (warmerdam at p...) as a
handy package containing several related packages, with a maximum of
inter-component linkaged enabled. It is considerably more ad-hoc than some
of the more formal release packages, but it may have greater functionality
than formal releases. This package aspires to be a "tool bench" of GIS/RS
tools for the end user.

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