[Gdal-dev] plugging in JasPer

Vladimir Slepnev slepnev_v at newmail.ru
Tue Feb 25 01:25:23 EST 2003


there seem to be some problems using the JasPer-based JPEG2000 support in
GDAL. I am using JasPer version 1.700.1 .

Here's what is in the file gdal\nmake.opt:

#JASPER_INCLUDE = -I$(JASPER_DIR)\src\libjasper\include\jasper
#JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib

Here's what those lines should look like, to the best of my knowledge:

#JASPER_INCLUDE = -I$(JASPER_DIR)\src\libjasper\include
#JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)\src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib

(note the missing backslash in the second line!)
Otherwise, I get "cannot find file" errors for JasPer files.

After making those minor changes, I try to build GDAL with JPEG2000 support.
And this is what I get then:

E:\vova\cvs-1-11-1p1\gdal\frmts>call ..\submake.bat jpeg2000
	cl /nologo
/Ox -I..\..\port -I..\..\ogr -I..\..\core -IE:\vova\jasper-1.700.1\src\libja
sper\include /DWIN32 -DFRMT_jpeg2000 /c jpeg2000dataset.cpp
E:\vova\jasper-1.700.1\src\libjasper\include\jasper/jas_config.h(132) :
warning C4005: 'HAVE_VPRINTF' : macro redefinition
        ..\..\port\cpl_config.h(6) : see previous definition of
E:\vova\jasper-1.700.1\src\libjasper\include\jasper/jas_config.h(141) :
warning C4005: 'STDC_HEADERS' : macro redefinition
        ..\..\port\cpl_config.h(11) : see previous definition of
E:\vova\jasper-1.700.1\src\libjasper\include\jasper/jas_types.h(159) : fatal
error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdbool.h': No such file or

Now this is an error I can't fix very quickly :-) so I'm writing this to
gdal-dev. Is this the case when I should do some extra steps after
installing and building JasPer to use it correctly? If so, the
responsibility for such steps should lie on GDAL, not me... as far as I
grasp the matter :-)

Vladimir Slepnev
Programmer, RDC ScanEx

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