[Gdal-dev] GDAL, JasPer, JPEG2000 memory management plans?

Anderson, Carl Carl.Anderson at co.fulton.ga.us
Wed May 7 14:42:26 EDT 2003

I have been having problems encoding 13001x13001 JEPG2000 images on a
Linux 2.4.20 machine and a Solaris 2.7 machine using gdal_translate and
on each machine unless I use tiling, encoding  dies inside jasper at
    jpc_t1enc.c on line 349   (  assert(0)  )
When I do use tiling the result is ok.
RE memory management:
what about an implementation of a "Row-based wavelet transform" as
described in
ITU-T Rec T.800 (2000 FCDV1.0) page 163. Downloadable from
of course that is really a jasper issue not a gdal one, and it may
already be in the jasper lib.

Carl Anderson


GIS Manager

Fulton County E&CD


carl.anderson at co.fulton.ga.us


-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Fraser [mailto:bfraser at geoanalytic.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 2:11 PM
To: gdal-dev
Subject: [Gdal-dev] GDAL, JasPer, JPEG2000 memory management plans?

Frank, Andrey (and others),
    I've done some experimenting with GDAL's JPEG2000 capabilities on
Windows 2000.
    While I got good results with a small (2mb, 929 x 986 pixels, RGB)
and medium (20 mb, 2961 x 2270, RGB) size files, I noticed memory
management  problems with large (100 mb, 4482 x x9011, RGB) and huge (1
gb, 18595 x 19729, RGB) files.
    During the translation of the large 100 mb file, 1.4 gb of ram was
eventually allocated (90% of it by the JasPer code), but it did
successfully finish after about 20 min.
    With the huge 1 gb tif file, GDAL_translate appears to allocate
about 1 gb during the reading of the original tif file and attemps to
allocate another 1 gb (in the Jasper code) just before starting to
compress.  The second memory allocation fails on my computer (Windows
2000) even though I've got my virtual memory set to the maximum of 4 gb.
    Are there any enhancements that could be done to GDAL to reduce the
amount of memory used?  I realize that wavelet compression (or at least
the implementation in JasPer) may not lend itself to efficient memory
use, and that GDAL's integration of JasPer is fairly new, but I thought
I would get my request in early!
FYI, here's an example of my command line for the translation: 
    gdal_translate -of JPEG2000 -co "FORMAT=JP2" -co "rate=0.05"
small.tif small.jp2
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Brent Fraser
GeoAnalytic Inc.
Tel:(403) 213-2700
bfraser at geoanalytic.com

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