Fwd: [Gdal-dev] ECW JPEG 2000 SDK 3.3 RC2 now online

Howard Butler hobu at iastate.edu
Mon Feb 20 12:26:42 EST 2006

An out-of-the-box ./configure and make on OSX gcc 4.0.1 died in a 
flurry of errors for me.  RC1 would not link properly.

Is there any possibility of an ECW-dev maillist and a public CVS so 
we can track things?

Another data point, although I don't know if it is useful, is that 
Python needs to do some magic to compile on OSX because of its borken 
semaphores.  Chasing down HAVE_BROKEN_POSIX_SEMAPHORES in the Python 
source code might give some 


At 09:54 AM 2/9/2006, Tom Lynch wrote:
>On 2/9/06, William Kyngesburye <woklist at kyngchaos.com> wrote:
>     Rats.  Still not working on Mac OS X.  Trace/BPT Trap error.  This is
>     on 10.4/GCC 4 and 10.3/GCC 3.3 (at least I finally got it to build on
>     10.3).  Built with the Gnu configure method, static libecwj2, dynamic
>     libNCS* trio.  I even tried the examples this time, thinking GDAL
>     might be causing problems.
>     Was this one of the major problems you mentioned?  Or are you still
>     working on the Mac OS X issue?  Do you have any idea yet what the
>     cause is?
>Sounds like it.  I have seen that error during compressions on
>MacOS X.   MacOS X has some known oddities in its POSIX threads
>support, my current theory is that is breaking some assumptions made
>by our portable threading code.  I have already had to do a couple of
>evil things in there to make decompression support work correctly.
>The Qmake files included in the build are expected to be deprecated in
>future releases, but it's reasonably certain building with them
>wouldn't fix this issue in any case.
>Unfortunately, I will be offline for most of next week, and at this
>point I can't give you an ETA on a fix.  It is on my agenda, because
>most of the serious issues that have occurred with libecwj2 group
>around the portable threading code.  It may be in need of more drastic
>changes than the hacks that have occurred up to this point :-)
>If you are interested in investigating and possibly fixing the problem
>yourself, check out the files
>My first thought was that a reimplementation for MacOS X in terms of
>Carbon multiprocessing services or mach threads might be in order.
>Tom Lynch
>Development, ER Mapper
>Phone:      +61 8 93882900
>Fax:        +61 8 93882901
>Email:      tom.lynch at ermapper.com
>Web:        http://www.ermapper.com
>Forums:     http://forum.ermapper.com
>Gdal-dev mailing list
>Gdal-dev at lists.maptools.org

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