[gdal-dev] split multipolygons?

Milo van der Linden milovanderlinden at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 13:02:52 EST 2007

Thank you Frank,

I will test the wher clause, come up with the right quoting and post my 
final result to the list.

Kind regards!

Milo van der Linden

Frank Warmerdam schreef:
> Milo van der Linden wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I have a table in mapinfo format that contains different geometry 
>> types. some are errors and when I filter out the errors, multipolygon 
>> and polygon remain.
>> I try to use ogr2ogr  with -nlt to only get polygons. This doesn't 
>> work the way I want it. When I open the resulting table in OpenJUMP, 
>> there are still multipolygons in my table which prevent me from 
>> saving changes I make with OpenJump.
> Milo,
> The -nlt switch sets the type of a layer, but doesn't - in itself -
> alter what geometries get written to the layer.
>> What I would like to know is if it is possible to split multipolygons 
>> to polygons with regards to maintaining the attributes. Can this be 
>> done?   kind regards,
> With GDAL/OGR 1.4+ you should be able to do something like:
>   ogr2ogr out.shp in.shp -where "OGR_GEOMETRY = 'POLYGON'" in
> I'm not sure if I have the quoting right.
> Basically, OGR_GEOMETRY is a special field that will contain
> the OGC WKT name for the geometry per:
>   http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc6_sqlgeom
> It can be used in attribute filters.
> Best regards,



3DSite - Milo van der Linden - CTO
A. Joachimi kade 3 F, 4461 BG  Goes 
(Zeeland, Nederland)
milo at 3dsite.nl <mailto:milo at 3dsite.nl>

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