[gdal-dev] question about ogr

windwxc at sina.com windwxc at sina.com
Sat Apr 19 09:37:51 EDT 2008

 hi,everyone. i meet a question about org. i use VisualStudio2005 with windows XP and i have copy some ogr dll file to bin of my application project.but when i run my project and throw a error, it fails at the first line: Ogr.RegisterAll(). Error is "The type initializer for 'OSGeo.OGR.Ogr' threw an exception."  I find someone meet same question but his method cannot well run and i still cannot find the reason. The following is my codes and i add "using OSGeo.OGR;".
 public void GetGeometry(string sqltext)
            catch (Exception e)
            { MessageBox.Show("regesiter failor:" + e.Message); }
            //OSGeo.OGR.Geometry myGeom;
                   OSGeo.OGR.DataSource conn = Ogr.Open("PG:host=locatal dbname=stdb user=stuser password=123", 1);
                   OSGeo.OGR.Layer myLay = conn.ExecuteSQL(sqltext, null, "tt");
               catch (Exception e)
               { MessageBox.Show("open file failor:" + e.Message);
please help me.
thank you!

»ÝÆÕ´º¼¾´ÙÏúËÍ´óÀñ£¬Ö±½µÎåǧÓÅ»ÝÁ¬Á¬( http://d1.sina.com.cn/sina/limeng3/mail_zhuiyu/2008/mail_zhuiyu_20080414.html )

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