[gdal-dev] Trying to get BIGTIFF to work

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Thu Aug 14 11:49:07 EDT 2008

Andreas Neumann pisze:

> gdal_translate -of GTIFF -a_srs EPSG:21781 -projwin 689000 252000 702000
> 242000 -co "BIGTIFF=YES" orthofoto_2006.img
> orthofoto_2006_2008_08_13-16_32.tiff
> Input file size is 56000, 44000
> Computed -srcwin 0 0 52000 40000 from projected window.
> Warning 6: Driver GTiff does not support BIGTIFF creation option
> 0ERROR 6: A 52000 pixels x 40000 lines x 3 bands Byte image would be
> larger than 4GB
> but this is the largest size a TIFF can be.  Creation failed.
> So I wonder what went wrong with my compilation or library installation
> that gdal can't use the BIGTIFF option, although the configure script
> would tell me BIGTIFF=YES

I had the same problem once. Adding "-co BIGTIFF=YES" on your command
line should help.


Maciej Sieczka

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