[gdal-dev] Urgent GDal failing to open a file.

Courtney Schitka c.schitka at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 18:51:24 EDT 2008

Frank & Martian

Thanks for your prompt replies.

If I know the coordinate system the file is supposed to be, is there a way I
can inject that into the file it's self ? Without needing to edit the code
or setting the GDAL_DATA environment variable ? The file is a GeoTiff ? I'd
provide a sample but the file is 100+ M could take a bit.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 6:46 PM, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com>

> Courtney Schitka wrote:
>> Good Day list.
>> I write you with kind of an urgent problem today. The company I am doing
>> some consulting for is using GDAL to read a majority of their data. They
>> just purchased 800$ worth of some GeoData from a third party company.
>> Everytime we try an dopen the data through Gdal I get. A problem with trying
>> to create a Coordinate Transform. See error
>> ERROR: No PROJ.4 translation for source SRS, coordinate
>> When I did a Gdal Info on the file. I find this information out
>> Coordinate System is:
>>    GEOGCS["unnamed",
>>        DATUM["unknown",
>>            SPHEROID["unretrievable - using WGS84",6378137,298.257223563]],
>>        PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>>        UNIT[,0.0174532925199433]],
>>    UNIT["unknown",1],
>>    AUTHORITY["EPSG","0"]]
>> Which I think is the root of my problem. Is ther ea good/easy way for me
>> to fix this ? quickly ?
> Court,
> I *suspect* GDAL is failing to find it's supporting coordinate system
> files.  Try setting the GDAL_DATA environment variable to point to the
> directory with the files like pcs.csv and ecw_cs.wkt.
> It would also be helpful if you were able to indicate the file format
> with the problem, the version of GDAL, and ideally a sample file.
> Best regards,
> --
> ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
> warmerdam at pobox.com
> light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam<http://pobox.com/%7Ewarmerdam>
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
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