[gdal-dev] projection locating image incorrectly.
Frank Warmerdam
warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Sep 18 12:15:45 EDT 2008
On 9/18/08, Robert Beckwith <Robert.Beckwith at delorme.com> wrote:
> I downloaded idaho9798landsatencw.sid and its companion files from
> http://www.idwr.idaho.gov/ftp/gisdata/Spatial/Datareq/
> When using gdal this image is re-projected in the wrong location (Africa)
I review the .aux.xml file for this dataset and it looks like it has
everything needed by GDAL to correctly place the file. You
did have this, right? I can't download the big file (I'm stuck on
dialup currently due to technical problems) so I can't easily
check what is going on. I *suspect* that there is internal
georeferencing in the .sid and GDAL it using it in preference
to the info the .aux.xml or perhaps giving preference to the
.sdw worldfile.
What does a gdalinfo report on this dataset look like? Does it
change if you delete the .sdw file?
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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