September 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 00:05:28 EDT 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 19:08:52 EDT 2008
Messages: 316
- [gdal-dev] Accessing OGRStyleTable
Alberto Pérez Cassinelli
- [gdal-dev] Accessing OGRStyleTable
Alberto Pérez Cassinelli
- [gdal-dev] HowTo open NetCDF SUBDATASET and write to new file
Roger André
- [gdal-dev] HowTo open NetCDF SUBDATASET and write to new file
Roger André
- [gdal-dev] gdalwarp interpolation artifacts
Roger André
- [gdal-dev] Re: gdalwarp interpolation artifacts
Roger André
- [gdal-dev] gdalwarp interpolation artifacts
Roger André
- [gdal-dev] gdalwarp interpolation artifacts
Roger André
- [gdal-dev] How to use gdal_retile?
Klokan Petr Přidal
- [gdal-dev] Extending csharp binding for resampling
Klokan Petr Přidal
- [gdal-dev] Accessing OGRStyleTable
Mateusz Łoskot
- [gdal-dev] Accessing OGRStyleTable
Mateusz Łoskot
- [gdal-dev] Accessing OGRStyleTable
Mateusz Łoskot
- [gdal-dev] VMAP GDAL driver
Aurélien Kamel
- [gdal-dev] VMAP GDAL driver
Aurélien Kamel
- [gdal-dev] OGR dynamic query
Frédéric Therrien
- [gdal-dev] OGR dynamic query
Frédéric Therrien
- [gdal-dev] Re: How to use gdal_retile?
Christian Müller
- Re: [gdal-dev] gdal in ESRI products
Lucena, Ivan
- Re: [gdal-dev] gdal in ESRI products
Lucena, Ivan
- Re: [Gdal-dev] Algorithm Development
Lucena, Ivan
- Re: [gdal-dev] Fastest way to add the GeoTransform to a raster file with Python
Lucena, Ivan
- [gdal-dev] Data Binding dgal Layer in .NET
Ackerman, Cameron T HEC
- [gdal-dev] Countour polygons instead of lines
Nikos Alexandris
- [gdal-dev] query raster values by xy-location
Andruit at
- [gdal-dev] query raster values by xy-location
Andruit at
- [gdal-dev] Best way to test wheter point is contained in Polygon
Christopher Barker
- [gdal-dev] Best way to test wheter point is contained in Polygon
Christopher Barker
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Norman Barker
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Norman Barker
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Norman Barker
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Norman Barker
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Norman Barker
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Norman Barker
- [gdal-dev] Using a specific earth model
Andrea Battisti
- [gdal-dev] Using a specific earth model
Andrea Battisti
- [gdal-dev] gdal in ESRI products
Dylan Beaudette
- [gdal-dev] query raster values by xy-location
Dylan Beaudette
- [gdal-dev] Projection information in the aux.xml
Robert Beckwith
- [gdal-dev] cannot seem to get projection data from an aux.xml file
Robert Beckwith
- [gdal-dev] Failing to parse aux.xml file (was: cannot seem to get
projection data from an aux.xml file correctly)
Robert Beckwith
- [gdal-dev] projection locating image incorrectly.
Robert Beckwith
- [gdal-dev] projection locating image incorrectly.
Robert Beckwith
- [gdal-dev] gdalwarp crash when reading
Andrew Brooks
- [gdal-dev] gdalwarp crash when reading
Andrew Brooks
- [gdal-dev] Newbie Developer Question About Linking
Martin Chapman
- [gdal-dev] About Gdal contour - Opinion
Martin Chapman
- [gdal-dev] GetExtent method
Clay, Bruce
- [gdal-dev] GetExtent method
Clay, Bruce
- [gdal-dev] OCI driver not adding data to Oracle Table
Clay, Bruce
- [gdal-dev] negative buffer
Clay, Bruce
- [gdal-dev] shapefile field size
Clay, Bruce
- [gdal-dev] shapefile field size
Clay, Bruce
- [gdal-dev] KML output fields
Clay, Bruce
- [gdal-dev] KML and custom styles
Christopher Condit
- [gdal-dev] Postgis 8.3 support
Christopher Condit
- [gdal-dev] KML output fields
Christopher Condit
- [gdal-dev] opendap on Windows
Christopher Condit
- [gdal-dev] opendap on Windows
Christopher Condit
- [gdal-dev] 8-bit GeoTIFF and transparency over multiple bands
- [gdal-dev] importFromMICoordSys function
- [gdal-dev] OGR with Expat and Xerces library support
- [gdal-dev] Re: OGR with Expat and Xerces library support
- [gdal-dev] Accessing OGRStyleTable
Geo Aspects Development
- [gdal-dev] Accessing OGRStyleTable
Geo Aspects Development
- [gdal-dev] Shapefile reprojection - copy and update metadata file
Doug_Newcomb at
- [gdal-dev] can gdal be used under linux arm
Oliver Eichler
- [gdal-dev] images with different resolution.
Oliver Eichler
- [gdal-dev] images with different resolution.
Oliver Eichler
- [gdal-dev] problems reading a .img file containing only elevation
Tom Flynn
- [Gdal-dev] Algorithm Development
- [gdal-dev] inflateCopy required?
Brent Fraser
- [gdal-dev] inflateCopy required?
Brent Fraser
- [gdal-dev] Status of RFC 4: Geolocation Arrays especially Envisat
wrt GCPs
Brent Fraser
- [gdal-dev] copy GCPs from .xml to GTiff
Brent Fraser
- [gdal-dev] Error in libjasper.a during 'make' in gdal 1.5.2:
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used
Steve Gaffigan
- [gdal-dev] Error in libjasper.a during 'make' in gdal 1.5.2:
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used
Steve Gaffigan
- [gdal-dev] HowTo open NetCDF SUBDATASET and write to new file
Steve Gaffigan
- [gdal-dev] HowTo open NetCDF SUBDATASET and write to new file
Steve Gaffigan
- [gdal-dev] GTiff driver changes datum and spheroid names during
creation in 1.5.2
Steve Gaffigan
- [gdal-dev] output files
Sven Geggus
- [gdal-dev] files >4GB
Sven Geggus
- [gdal-dev] +1 for JPIP support
Michael P. Gerlek
- [gdal-dev] Best way to test wheter point is contained in Polygon
Jose Gomez-Dans
- [gdal-dev] Re: Best way to test wheter point is contained in Polygon
Jose Gomez-Dans
- [gdal-dev] Best way to test wheter point is contained in Polygon
Jose Gomez-Dans
- [gdal-dev] query raster values by xy-location
Jose Gomez-Dans
- [gdal-dev] gdal 1.5.2's RADARSAT-2 driver
Gong, Shawn (Contractor)
- [gdal-dev] gdal 1.5.2's RADARSAT-2 driver
Gong, Shawn (Contractor)
- [gdal-dev] gdal 1.5.2's RADARSAT-2 driver
Gong, Shawn (Contractor)
- [gdal-dev] copy GCPs from .xml to GTiff
Gong, Shawn (Contractor)
- [gdal-dev] gdal in ESRI products
Richard Greenwood
- [gdal-dev] gdal in ESRI products
Richard Greenwood
- [gdal-dev] gdal in ESRI products
Richard Greenwood
- [gdal-dev] problem with ERDAS Imagine files in StatePlane projection
Kerry Halligan
- [gdal-dev] Fw: Re: [GRASS-user] Linking error in photo.2image
- [gdal-dev] can gdal be used under linux arm
- [gdal-dev] Add z values to polylines
- [gdal-dev] Clipping shapefiles
Matthew Huck
- [gdal-dev] Clipping shapefiles
Matthew Huck
- [gdal-dev] How to use gdal_retile?
Myeong Hun Jeong
- [gdal-dev] How to use ?
Myeong Hun Jeong
- [gdal-dev] How to merge Tiled images and WMS layer with openlayers?
Myeong Hun Jeong
- [gdal-dev] Countour polygons instead of lines
Ari Jolma
- [gdal-dev] Countour polygons instead of lines
Ari Jolma
- [gdal-dev] Clipping shapefiles
Ari Jolma
- [gdal-dev] SWIG: GetHistogram(), etc
Ari Jolma
- [gdal-dev] Polygonize
Ari Jolma
- [gdal-dev] Re: Countour polygons instead of lines
Ari Jolma
- [gdal-dev] how can use gdalce.dll and gdalce_i.lib in vc2005
smart device application to open image(tif)?
Tom Kazimiers
- [gdal-dev] how can use gdalce.dll and gdalce_i.lib in vc2005
smart device application to open image(tif)?
Tom Kazimiers
- [gdal-dev] Reading/Interpreting multi band Tiffs
Tom Kazimiers
- [gdal-dev] Reading/Interpreting multi band Tiffs
Tom Kazimiers
- [gdal-dev] Reading/Interpreting multi band Tiffs
Tom Kazimiers
- [gdal-dev] caching & spatial indexing of shapefiles?
Tom Kazimiers
- [gdal-dev] caching & spatial indexing of shapefiles?
Tom Kazimiers
- [gdal-dev] How to add a OGRSpatialReference to an OGRLayer?
Tom Kazimiers
- [gdal-dev] How to add a OGRSpatialReference to an OGRLayer?
Tom Kazimiers
- [gdal-dev] query raster values by xy-location
Bryan Keith
- [gdal-dev] ogr2ogr: How can I get GML output file in 2D?
Stefan Keller
- [gdal-dev] PAM & nodata values
Matt Klaric
- [gdal-dev] Oracle OCI driver and Oracle views
Jim Klassen
- [gdal-dev] KML and custom styles
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [gdal-dev] Projecting nzmg/nzgd49 to nzgd2000
Mike Leahy
- [gdal-dev] Clipping shapefiles
Craig Leat
- [gdal-dev] Clipping shapefiles
Craig Leat
- [gdal-dev] VMAP GDAL driver
Mateusz Loskot
- [gdal-dev] MapInfo error handling
Mateusz Loskot
- [gdal-dev] MapInfo error handling
Mateusz Loskot
- [gdal-dev] how can use gdalce.dll and gdalce_i.lib in vc2005
smart device application to open image(tif)?
Mateusz Loskot
- [gdal-dev] EUMETSAT Wavelet Transform Software 2.04
Mateusz Loskot
- [gdal-dev] question
Mateusz Loskot
- [gdal-dev] caching & spatial indexing of shapefiles?
Mateusz Loskot
- [gdal-dev] Reading image
Lucena, Ivan
- [gdal-dev] OCI driver not adding data to Oracle Table
Lucena, Ivan
- [gdal-dev] Reading image
Silvia Marchesi
- [gdal-dev] Re: Countour polygons instead of lines
Tim Michelsen
- [gdal-dev] Postgis 8.3 support
Craig Miller
- [gdal-dev] Topological Union?
Craig Miller
- [gdal-dev] For a raster file header how do I transform the GCP
Projection and GCP into a format where instead the Coordinate
System contains corner coordinates?
John Mitchell
- [gdal-dev] can't derive the projection for a geotiff in Guatemala
John Mitchell
- [gdal-dev] Re: [mapserver-users] can't derive the projection for a
geotiff in Guatemala
John Mitchell
- [gdal-dev] Accessing OGRStyleTable
Daniel Morissette
- [gdal-dev] MapInfo error handling
Daniel Morissette
- [gdal-dev] Add z values to polylines
Mullins, Steven
- [gdal-dev] Edit Metadata on MrSID image
Mullins, Steven
- [gdal-dev] gdaltransform results differs from qgis
Markus Neteler
- [gdal-dev] gdaltransform results differs from qgis
Markus Neteler
- [gdal-dev] - more data
Markus Neteler
- [gdal-dev] tiff support: internal or external?
Andreas Neumann
- [gdal-dev] tiff support: internal or external?
Andreas Neumann
- [gdal-dev] gdal_merge and the treatment of nodata value
Andreas Neumann
- [gdal-dev] gdal_merge and the treatment of nodata value
Andreas Neumann
- [gdal-dev] lib questions
Nidel, Mike
- [gdal-dev] lib questions
Nidel, Mike
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Adam Nowacki
- [gdal-dev] VMAP GDAL driver
Adam Nowacki
- [gdal-dev] Newbie Developer Question About Linking
Joel Odom
- [gdal-dev] Newbie Developer Question About Linking
Joel Odom
- [gdal-dev] gdaltransform results differs from qgis
Antonio Parrotta
- [gdal-dev] gdaltransform results differs from qgis
Antonio Parrotta
- [gdal-dev] gdaltransform results differs from qgis
Antonio Parrotta
- [gdal-dev] gdaltransform results differs from qgis
Antonio Parrotta
- [gdal-dev] gdaltransform results differs from qgis
Antonio Parrotta
- [gdal-dev] Error in libjasper.a during 'make' in gdal 1.5.2:
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used
Patton, Eric
- [gdal-dev] Error in libjasper.a during 'make' in gdal 1.5.2:
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used
Patton, Eric
- [gdal-dev] Error in libjasper.a during 'make' in gdal 1.5.2:
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used
Patton, Eric
- [gdal-dev] How to use gdal_retile?
Mauricio de Paulo
- [gdal-dev] Countour polygons instead of lines
Matthew Perry
- [gdal-dev] mrsid : coordinate system problem
Didrik Pinte
- [gdal-dev] mrsid : coordinate system problem
Didrik Pinte
- [gdal-dev] mrsid : coordinate system problem
Didrik Pinte
- [gdal-dev] mrsid : coordinate system problem
Didrik Pinte
- [gdal-dev] mrsid : coordinate system problem
Didrik Pinte
- [gdal-dev] gdalwarp interpolation artifacts
Seth Price
- [gdal-dev] gdalwarp interpolation artifacts
Seth Price
- [gdal-dev] negative buffer
Dan Putler
- [gdal-dev] About Gdal contour - Opinion
Antonio Pérez
- [Gdal-dev] Attaching Text Files in NITF driver
- [Gdal-dev] Attaching Text Files in NITF driver
- [gdal-dev] Re: For a raster file header how do I transform the
GCP Projection and GCP into a format where instead the
Coordinate System contains corner coordinates?
Jukka Rahkonen
- [gdal-dev] Oracle OCI driver and Oracle views
Jukka Rahkonen
- [gdal-dev] Datum transformation method when projecting from a
sphere to NAD83 shapefile
Limei Ran
- [gdal-dev] Datum transformation method when projecting from a
sphere to NAD83 shapefile
Limei Ran
- [gdal-dev] Datum transformation method when projecting from a
sphere to NAD83 shapefile
Limei Ran
- [gdal-dev] Fastest way to add the GeoTransform to a raster file
with Python
Matthieu Rigal
- [gdal-dev] Fastest way to add the GeoTransform to a raster file
with Python
Matthieu Rigal
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Even Rouault
- [gdal-dev] gdalwarp color table copy issue
Even Rouault
- [gdal-dev] inflateCopy required?
Even Rouault
- [gdal-dev] inflateCopy required?
Even Rouault
- [gdal-dev] For a raster file header how do I transform the GCP
Projection and GCP into a format where instead the Coordinate
System contains corner coordinates?
Even Rouault
- [gdal-dev] mask bands howto
Even Rouault
- [gdal-dev] shapefile field size
Even Rouault
- [gdal-dev] example GML v2.
Rushforth, Peter
- [gdal-dev] images with different resolution.
Michele Sanges
- [gdal-dev] images with different resolution.
Michele Sanges
- [gdal-dev] gdal & terrasar-x
Vincent Schut
- [gdal-dev] openev weird geoconcept error on opening large raster
Vincent Schut
- [gdal-dev] terrasar-x driver swaps gcp lon/lat
Vincent Schut
- [gdal-dev] Re: GDAL version for reading TerrasarX data
Vincent Schut
- [gdal-dev] small typo in dox for gdal_sieve
Vincent Schut
- [gdal-dev] 8-bit GeoTIFF and transparency over multiple bands
Vincent Schut
- [gdal-dev] mask bands howto
Vincent Schut
- [gdal-dev] mask bands howto
Vincent Schut
- [gdal-dev] GTiff / gdal_translate / CMYK - problem
Maksim Sestic
- [gdal-dev] Memory allocation for NetCDF driver
Rich Signell
- [gdal-dev] MEM size limit
Ozy Sjahputera
- [gdal-dev] MEM size limit
Ozy Sjahputera
- [gdal-dev] query raster values by xy-location
Dane Springmeyer
- [gdal-dev] query raster values by xy-location
Dane Springmeyer
- [gdal-dev] ogr and python
Guillaume Sueur
- [gdal-dev] problem with 5D variables in NetCDF
Michael Sumner
- [gdal-dev] problem with 5D variables in NetCDF
Michael Sumner
- [gdal-dev] opendap on Windows
Michael Sumner
- [gdal-dev] opendap on Windows
Michael Sumner
- [gdal-dev] opendap on Windows
Michael Sumner
- [gdal-dev] opendap on Windows
Michael Sumner
- [gdal-dev] gdalwarp color table copy issue
Aaron Sutula
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Tamas Szekeres
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Tamas Szekeres
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Tamas Szekeres
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Tamas Szekeres
- [gdal-dev] importFromMICoordSys function
Tamas Szekeres
- [gdal-dev] a question
Tamas Szekeres
- [gdal-dev] MapInfo error handling
Linda Thompson
- [gdal-dev] Datum transformation method when projecting from a
sphere to NAD83 shapefile
John C. Tull
- [gdal-dev] terrasar-x driver swaps gcp lon/lat
Philippe Vachon
- [gdal-dev] gdal 1.5.2's RADARSAT-2 driver
Philippe Vachon
- [gdal-dev] module of a complex dataset
Antonio Valentino
- [gdal-dev] module of a complex dataset
Antonio Valentino
- [gdal-dev] module of a complex dataset
Antonio Valentino
- [gdal-dev] Problem in viewing NITF images created by GDAL_TRANSLATE
Mo Wang
- [gdal-dev] Problem in viewing NITF images created by
Mo Wang
- [gdal-dev] RE: progressive rendering
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] tiff support: internal or external?
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] module of a complex dataset
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] GetExtent method
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] gdal_merge and the treatment of nodata value
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] gdal error 4
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] openev weird geoconcept error on opening large raster
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] gdal in ESRI products
Frank Warmerdam
- [Gdal-dev] Attaching Text Files in NITF driver
Frank Warmerdam
- [Gdal-dev] Attaching Text Files in NITF driver
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Newbie Developer Question About Linking
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] inflateCopy required?
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] inflateCopy required?
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] SWIG: GetHistogram(), etc
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Re: Polygonize
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Algorithm Development
Frank Warmerdam
- [Gdal-dev] Algorithm Development
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Datum transformation method when projecting from a
sphere to NAD83 shapefile
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Datum transformation method when projecting from a
sphere to NAD83 shapefile
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Datum transformation method when projecting from a
sphere to NAD83 shapefile
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Failing to parse aux.xml file (was: cannot seem to
get projection data from an aux.xml file correctly)
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Using a specific earth model
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Using a specific earth model
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] gdal 1.5.2's RADARSAT-2 driver
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] gdal 1.5.2's RADARSAT-2 driver
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] About Gdal contour - Opinion
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Problem in viewing NITF images created by
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] images with different resolution.
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Fastest way to add the GeoTransform to a raster file
with Python
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] projection locating image incorrectly.
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Fastest way to add the GeoTransform to a raster file
with Python
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Add z values to polylines
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] MapInfo error handling
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] OGR dynamic query
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] OGR dynamic query
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] MEM size limit
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Re: Status of RFC 4: Geolocation Arrays especially
Envisat wrt GCPs
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] files >4GB
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] 8-bit GeoTIFF and transparency over multiple bands
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Reading/Interpreting multi band Tiffs
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Reading/Interpreting multi band Tiffs
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] problem with 5D variables in NetCDF
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] mask bands howto
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] gdal error 4
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] problems reading a .img file containing only elevation
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Edit Metadata on MrSID image
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] lib questions
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] gdalwarp interpolation artifacts
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] How to add a OGRSpatialReference to an OGRLayer?
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] PAM & nodata values
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] How to add a OGRSpatialReference to an OGRLayer?
Frank Warmerdam
- [gdal-dev] Amusing use of GDAL API : a GIMP plugin
Matt Wilkie
- [gdal-dev] Shapefile reprojection - copy and update metadata file
Matt Wilkie
- [gdal-dev] gdal_merge and the treatment of nodata value
Matt Wilkie
- [gdal-dev] Fastest way to add the GeoTransform to a raster file
with Python
Matt Wilkie
- [gdal-dev] gdal error 4
Christian Willmes
- [gdal-dev] a question
guo cheng
- [gdal-dev] ogr2ogr: How can I get GML output file in 2D?
kai.zimmerl at
- [gdal-dev] ogr2ogr: How can I get GML output file in 2D?
kai.zimmerl at
- [gdal-dev] can gdal be used under linux arm
- [gdal-dev] can gdal be used under linux arm
- [gdal-dev] how can use gdalce.dll and gdalce_i.lib in vc2005 smart
device application to open image(tif)?
- [gdal-dev] how can use gdalce.dll and gdalce_i.lib in vc2005 smart
device application to open image(tif)?
- [gdal-dev] question
- [gdal-dev] help me
- [gdal-dev] how can I configue which lib and .h files in vc2005
smart device application to open img?
- [gdal-dev] Newbie Developer Question About Linking
mchapman at
- [gdal-dev] Newbie Developer Question About Linking
mchapman at
- [gdal-dev] example GML v2.
nicholas.g.lawrence at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] Out of Office
paar at
- [gdal-dev] gdal error 4
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 19:08:52 EDT 2008
Archived on: Tue Sep 30 19:09:57 EDT 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).