[gdal-dev] KML output fields

Clay, Bruce bclay at ball.com
Fri Sep 26 13:52:56 EDT 2008

When I use ogr2ogr to convert a shapefile to KML there are no "Name" or
"Description" fields in the output and all attributes are lined up.


When I try to create a KML file from my code and populate the data both
"Name" and "Description" fields are included in the output.


I have tried not a variety of things in the call to KML's

            Not setting any options (i.e. passing a NULL)

            Setting both to empty strings

CSLSetNameValue( ogrOptions, "NameField", "");

CSLSetNameValue( ogrOptions, "DescriptionField", "");


      Setting both to "None"

CSLSetNameValue( ogrOptions, "NameField", "None");

CSLSetNameValue( ogrOptions, "DescriptionField", "None");



None of the above will remove the 2 fields from the output KML as a
result all real attribute values are sifted up 2 places.  


I looked in the ogr2ogr.cpp and I do not see any parameters getting
passed into the call.


Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this?






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