[gdal-dev] question about georaster and python

Ivan ivan.lucena at pmldnet.com
Sun Dec 20 13:11:44 EST 2009

gispowerfan wrote:
> hi list,
>  I have a question about georaster and python, it's maybe not related to 
> GDAL code directly, but I think it is related question.
> Now I want to connect to ORACLE by cx_Oracle(which is Python interface to ORACLE), I can use cx_Oracle to create table,insert simple data, 
> but can't run the image loader pl/sql, do anyone have any idea? I don't know whether or not that some image loader pl/sql can run by cx_Oracle? 
> I know that I can use gdal python interface to connect Georaster, but I 
> need to test the performance.
> thanks in advance.
> 2009-12-20
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> gispowerfan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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 >>> from osgeo import gdal
 >>> driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("georaster")
 >>> source = gdal.Open("example.tif")
 >>> target = driver.CreateCopy(source, "geor:user/pwd at db,tab,col", <create options>)
 >>> target = None
 >>> source = None

That would load the geotiff file to GeoRaster.

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