[gdal-dev] Using GDAL OGR DXF driver to export complex DXF Blocks from Kosmo (OpenJUMP)

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Wed Aug 17 09:24:37 EDT 2011


 I don't know about Kosmo or OpenJump, but OGR supports export of 
 blocks. You would have to specify a separate template drawing containing 
 the block definitions.

 Your input data would have to contain a column named "blockname", and 
 optionally columns "blockscale" and "blockangle".

 blockname is a string corresponding to the block definitions in the 
 separate dxf template containing the block definitions, blockscale is in 
 syntax "(1,1,1)" for scaling in all three dimensions - "(1,1,1)" 
 actually does not scale as you would assume. block angle is in degrees I 
 think - I don't know which direction (clock-wise or anticlockwise and 
 starting point).

 I successfully use OGR to convert a Postgis View to DXF on the command 
 line. This is for a waste-water network where we use blocks to symbolize 
 different manhole types. Here is the command I use:

 ogr2ogr -f DXF test_ogr.dxf -dsco 
 header=header_export_werkplan_abwasser.dxf -spat 695700 245900 696000 
 246100 PG:"dbname='dbname' host='hostname' port='5432' user='www' 
 password='xxx' schemas=abwasser 

 Hope this helps,


 On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 05:58:07 -0700 (PDT), rawcofe wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm wondering is it possible to use ogr dxf driver for exporting 
> features as
> blocks in DXF format from Kosmo which is built on OpenJUMP framework? 
> I have
> read (http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_dxf.html) that ogr dxf driver 
> supports
> reading and writing of DXF blocks. Is the DXF driver completely 
> functional
> considering block export and can be used with OpenJUMP as is or it 
> requires
> a considerable amount of development effort to implement? Where can I
> download this driver and does it have some licensing issues if I try 
> to
> integrate it with Kosmo?
> Thank you for your help,
> rawcofe
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Using-GDAL-OGR-DXF-driver-to-export-complex-DXF-Blocks-from-Kosmo-OpenJUMP-tp6695304p6695304.html
> Sent from the GDAL - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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 Andreas Neumann
 Böschacherstrasse 10A
 8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)

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