[gdal-dev] MSSQL GDAL 1.8.0 Feature problem

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 18:05:42 EST 2011


Could you provide a sample data to reproduce this problem?
How the layer and the features are displayed by the ogrinfo command tool?

Best regards,


2011/1/23 Matthew Blackler <matt at mattblackler.com>

> Dear all,
> I have downloaded v1.8.0 and am using .net CSharp bindings to connect into
> MSSQL such:
> "MSSQL:SERVER=MATT-ACERPC\\SQLExpress;tables=categ(geom);Initial
> Catalog=Crown_GIS;Integrated Security=True";
> I am able to connect and retrieve the driver ok.  I am able to get the
> Layer "Categ" from the datasource, no problem.  However, the extent of the
> layer, feature counts, and even the "get" of features using the nextfeature
> cursor fails to retrieve any features or information for me.
> Any obvious pointers as to why iterating through a layer with a known
> number of features (4,000 ish) would result in returning nothing (i.e. no
> feature back from the getnextfeature), or why the extent of a layer would be
> reported as being 0,0,0,0?
> Any help would be much appreciated.  Looking forward to leveraging OGR to
> making our apps datasource independant, and throwing away the shackles of
> ArcObjects!
> Thanks in advance,
> Matthew Blackler
> --
> Email: matt at mattblackler.com
> Homepage: http://www.mattblackler.com
> Twitter: @mattblacklercom
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