[gdal-dev] AW: ESRI products have problems reading gdal
spatialreference entry
Schmitz, Uwe
uwe.schmitz at bezreg-koeln.nrw.de
Tue Sep 6 03:54:16 EDT 2011
> On 05/09/2011 16:03, Schmitz, Uwe wrote:
> >
> > I wonder, if anyone else has experienced this or
> > similar behaviour. And how can I achieve that
> > ESRI- *and* gdal-Tools can identify the correct
> > reference system.
> >
> What I asked on this list some weeks ago:
> --- snip ---
> From experience, I know that ESRI users have trouble with some
> projection and parameter names generated by GDAL and vice versa. Is it
> possible to convince GDAL to store coordinate system information in a
> way that would be "ESRI-friendly" and "GDAL-friendly" at the
> same time?
> http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/gdal-dev-gdal-translate
> -eats-projection-parameter-values-td6680528.html#d1313170021000-317
> --- snip ---
> My understanding of Frank's answer is that this is basically
> not possible.
thanks for the link. It clarifies the problem but is
unsatisfactory. I must have missed this thread beforehand,
maybe due to the subject ;-)
So if I conclude:
ESRI and GDAL have different WKT formats. It is not
possible to write GeoTIFF files which are fully
ESRI *and* GDAL compatible.
A workaround may be to use ArcGIS's GDAL support
for GeoTIFF.
So I will give this hint to our ESRI users.
Thanks for the aswers and your time
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