[gdal-dev] Call for discussion for "RFC38 - OGR Faster Open"

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sat Apr 14 16:36:24 EDT 2012

Le samedi 14 avril 2012 22:21:53, Frank Warmerdam a écrit :
> Even,
> I am generally in favor of this, but I aspire in GDAL 2.0 to migrate
> OGR to using GDALDriver mechanisms which would include being based
> around GDALOpenInfo.  I am not sure if it is better to make the
> GDALOpenInfo change as part of that broader effort or as a distinct
> RFC and work item.

What do you call "using GDALDriver mechanisms" exactly ?

Because I don't see how we can make OGRSFDriver extend GDALDriver if that's 
what you have in mind... 

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