[gdal-dev] [NEW] Multi-threaded warping

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sun Jun 10 14:52:44 PDT 2012

Le dimanche 10 juin 2012 23:44:54, Yogesh Dahiya a écrit :
> As far I know gdal1.9 has integrated opencl so we can parallelize by
> setting it right.
> So what exactly is your addition.
> By the way I tried opencl case and was able to get 16x over general case
> for lanczos for image of 16000*16000

(Replying to list too, as others might have the same question)

Yes indeed, GDAL 1.9 can use OpenCL and this implementation is of course still 

Unfortunately, AFAIK, there is not yet any working OpenSource OpenCL 
implementation (and my experience with some proprietary OpenCL implementation 
has not always been convincing, like the GUI being totally unresponsive during 
the processing).

The new multi-threaded implementation just uses traditional multi-threading 
technics that are available on all platforms where GDAL can run.

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