[gdal-dev] postgis to esri shape slow

Mario Jurcevic mario at geosar.ch
Wed Apr 30 05:48:26 PDT 2014

On 04/28/2014 08:02 PM, Even Rouault wrote:
> Le lundi 28 avril 2014 16:47:49, Mario Jurcevic a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I try to export postgis tables ( 200 ) to shape; It seems ogr2ogr is
>> much more slow than "pgsql2shp" from postgis.
>> ogr2ogr: about 15 minutes
>> pgsql2shp: about 2 minutes
>> Any known reason for that?
> Interesting. I don't have a particular reason coming to mind. Which GDAL,
> PostGIS and PostgreSQL versions do you use ?
> Well, one idea I could have is if some of your tables have polygons or
> multipolygons with a lot of inner rings/holes. The shapefile exporter might be
> slow on this. If you've indeed that situation, perhaps you could exclude them
> from the timing to compare if that makes a difference
> Could you share a dump of the tables (possibly a shorter extract that would
> still exhibit the issue) so that it can be analyzed ?
> Even

Postgresql 9.1.3
Postgis 2.0.4
gdal 1.9.2

The export is done from Java by invoking for each table the ogr2ogr 
command. Same for "pgsqltoshape".

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