[gdal-dev] Grids in OpenFileGDB databases?

Carl Godkin cgodkin at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 12:14:10 PDT 2017


I just came across a GDB that contains two "MultiPolygon" layers plus about
ten more layers that are apparently grids.

Does OpenFileGDB provide any access to these layers?  I'm using GDAL 2.2.1.

I think the GDB has grids because I can see them in ArcGIS Explorer, but
"ogrinfo --ro GIS.gdb" does not list them.

(In case anyone is interested, the data is from here:


and is referenced from here:


Both the ESRI and GIS sub-directories contain .gdb sub-directories.  The
ESRI sub-directory GDB apparently contains only grids; the GDB in the GIS
sub-directory has two MultiPolygon layers and about ten grids.)

Thanks for any suggestions,

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