[gdal-dev] pthread_setspecific() failed error

Colleen Rooney crooney at pdx.edu
Wed Aug 15 16:57:15 PDT 2018

The grass 7.4.0 dependency is causing the error. Compiling without grass
support produces binaries that do not have this issue. I'm not sure yet if
this is an issue with the grass build, the way I compiled gdal to support
it, or something else. I will provide an update if I find out.

The operating system is CentOS 7

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 11:01 PM, Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>

> On lundi 13 août 2018 16:44:24 CEST Colleen Rooney wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am attempting to build gdal version 2.3.1 from source. I am using gcc
> > 7.2.0, and enabling support for proj4 version 5.1.0, grass version 7.4.0,
> > xerces-C version 3.1, hdf5 version 1.10.2, netcdf version, python
> > version 3.6.4, and perl version 5.16.3. Configure, make, and make install
> > all complete. However when the resulting executables are run I get an
> error
> > such as the following:
> >
> > $ ./gdalinfo --version
> > GDAL 2.3.1, released 2018/06/22
> > CPLGetTLSList(): pthread_setspecific() failed!
> > CPLGetTLSList(): pthread_setspecific() failed!
> >
> > I have hit a wall trying to figure out what is causing this error. Any
> help
> > would be appreciated, let me know any additional information you require!
> This is a weird one. Which operating system is this ?
> Can you retry building GDAL without any of the dependency at all and see
> if
> that makes a difference ?
> Even
> --
> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
> http://www.spatialys.com
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