[gdal-dev] Compile problems gdal3.0.2 against proj6

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Nov 19 05:28:09 PST 2019


> So this seems like it links to the old version of proj. Why is using
> this one if I specified "--with-proj=/usr/local" ?

GDAL build system doesn't use rpath mechanism for linking, so if there are 
several libproj.so in the path used for linking it will use the first or last 
one, I never remember :-).
Anyway, even if you manage to build, you're bound to run into runtime problems 
if you intend to link GDAL against PROJ 6 and spatialite built against an 
older PROJ.

So 2 ways:
- uninstall the proj development package, and build spatialite against proj6 
- or use the trick at https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/BuildingOnUnixGDAL25dev


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