[gdal-dev] GDALDataset::RasterIO error when using negative nLineSpace

Omar Álvarez omar.alvarez at cinfo.es
Tue Oct 8 01:44:48 PDT 2019


I'm trying to read an RGB image using GDAL. I have got it working, but my
image is upside down. This is the code I am using for that:

CPLErr err = geotiffDataset->RasterIO(
            0, 0,
            _image->s(), _image->t(),
            (void *)(_image->data()),
            _image->s(), _image->t(),
            3, NULL,
            _image->getPixelSizeInBits() / CHAR_BIT ,
_image->getRowStepInBytes(), _image->getPixelSizeInBits() / 3 / CHAR_BIT

But, if I try to use negative nLineSpace to flip it vertically:

 CPLErr err = geotiffDataset->RasterIO(
            0, 0,
            _image->s(), _image->t(),
            (void *)((char *)_image->data() + _image->getImageSizeInBytes()
- _image->getRowStepInBytes()),
            _image->s(), _image->t(),
            3, NULL,
            _image->getPixelSizeInBits() / CHAR_BIT ,
-_image->getRowStepInBytes(), _image->getPixelSizeInBits() / 3 / CHAR_BIT

I get a segfault.

Image is 1024x1024x3 and GDT_Float32. Anyone has any idea if I made a
mistake? Am I going about this wrong?

Thanks to everybody in advance.



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Luis Omar Álvarez MuresAI Software Development Coordinator

omar.alvarez at cinfo.es | +34 881 015 512
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