[gdal-dev] GRIB SRS sensitive to CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ

Sean Gillies sean at mapbox.com
Tue Jun 2 13:29:00 PDT 2020

Hi all,

Rasterio users have reported that GRIB metadata is sensitive
to CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ and I can confirm it. The examples below use
rasterio 1.1.5dev (not yet released), GDAL 3.1.0 and PROJ 7.0.1. The bounds
of the dataset are approximately the Northern Hemisphere.

$ rio info --crs ~/work/grib2/sref_arw.t09z.pgrb132.ctl.f00.grib2
PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["Coordinate System imported from GRIB

Now, I'm going to set CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=YES.

WARNING:rasterio._env:CPLE_AppDefined in Unable to perform coordinate
transformations, so the correct projected geotransform could not be deduced
from the lat/long control points.  Defaulting to ungeoreferenced.
WARNING:rasterio._env:CPLE_AppDefined in Unable to perform coordinate
transformations, so the correct projected geotransform could not be deduced
from the lat/long control points.  Defaulting to ungeoreferenced.

An empty string is printed to the terminal after the second warning. Note
that behavior was different with rasterio 1.1.4, which
set CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=YES internally in an attempt to improve the

The warning comes from

Is this sensitivity expected?

Sean Gillies
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