[gdal-dev] Convert TIF to BIL

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Mar 6 12:14:35 PST 2020


> I have some GeoTIFF (.TIF) files that a program I'm using won't accept.  It
> will accept .BIL files and I'm using GDAL to try and do the conversion. 
> When I do, GDAL_TRANSLATE says it worked and it generates a few files
> (including a .BIL), but it doesn't create the .BLW file where all of the
> "real" data should be.  Is there some special GDAL_TRANSLATE option or use
> or some special format GeoTIFF data needs to be in for it to work properly
> and generate a .BLW file?

I don't know which output driver you use (EHdr, ENVI etc.), but they aren't 
likely to produce a .blw worldfile as they will generate a text header file 
specific to the format.

To generate a .blw file you can do:

gdal_translate your_input.tif tmp.tif -co TFW=YES

This will generate a tmp.tfw file. Just rename it to .blw and with the 
basename of your BIL output file.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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