[gdal-dev] Motion: remove and deprecate a few drivers

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Mar 3 15:55:45 PST 2021

> Even,
> I'm -1 on this motion as it stands.  There are a quite a few formats 
> that I think we ought to continue to support for archival purposes 
> indefinitely including FIT, JDEM, GMT, DOQ1/2, LAN, MFF, NDF, SDTS, 
> SGI, XPM, and TIGER.  I am prepared to be listed as supporting 
> maintainer for these drivers.

Those formats were aimed for the runtime deprecation mechanism. The idea 
was to get ~ 1 year feedback period to see if people really need that 
nowadays, which I strongly doubt about. There are Docker images of older 
GDAL versions available for people that would still need to access such 
archives. I believe I tried to make previously the point that the issue 
wasn't the individual maintenance of those formats, but the weight they 
had to the whole for little benefit to the majority of users & developers.

Are you OK at least with the removal of the drivers I mentioned in the 
first bullet of the motion ? (the ones of 
https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/3373). I'm not willing to support 
them any longer (and I'm not asking anyone to step up for that!)



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