[gdal-dev] gdallocationinfo + WCS question...

Rahkonen Jukka (MML) jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Thu Oct 21 11:56:05 PDT 2021


I wonder if the problem is in the multipart response that the nationalmap.gov server is sending. The result is not too big tiff (1023x511 pixels as revealed by <gml:high>1023 511</gml:high>) but perhaps GDAL does not know how to extract it from the multipart envelope. I do not know either. I thought that multipart was only an issue with WCS 1.1.x but obviously it can be used also with WCS 2.0. I do understand how brilliant idea multipart response is in theory but unfortunately it is a pain for the users.

This is the beginning of the response:

Content-Type: text/xml
Content-ID: GML-Part
    <gml:Envelope srsName=http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/3857 axisLabels="x y" uomLabels=" " srsDimension="2">
      <gml:lowerCorner>3005564.702644 10446506.055425</gml:lowerCorner>
      <gml:upperCorner>3006588.702633 10447018.055420</gml:upperCorner>
    <gml:RectifiedGrid dimension="2" gml:id="grid_Coverage1">
          <gml:low>0 0</gml:low>
          <gml:high>1023 511</gml:high>
        <gml:Point gml:id="grid_origin_Coverage1" srsName=http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/3857>
          <gml:pos>3005564.702644 10446506.055425</gml:pos>
      <gml:offsetVector srsName=http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/3857>XOFFSET1.000000XOFFSET 0 </gml:offsetVector>
      <gml:offsetVector srsName=http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/3857>0 YOFFSET1.000000YOFFSET </gml:offsetVector>
      <gml:rangeParameters xlink:href=cid:Coverage1.tif xlink:role=http://www.opengis.net/spec/WCS_coverageencoding_geotiff/1.0/ xlink:arcrole="fileReference"/>
      <swe:field name="band_1">
          <swe:uom code="unknown"/>
              <swe:interval>3.4E-38 3.4E+38</swe:interval>
Content-Type: image/tiff
Content-Description: coverage data
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: 1.tif

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: gdal-dev <gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> Puolesta Carl Godkin
Lähetetty: torstai 21. lokakuuta 2021 18.47
Vastaanottaja: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: [gdal-dev] gdallocationinfo + WCS question...


I am trying to use gdallocationinfo to query point locations from a WCS server and not having any luck. I don't see anything in the docs that says this is unsupported but I can't make it work.

First of all, is there a better way to get an elevation from a given lat,lon using WCS?

Here's an example query using the USGS National Map server:

gdallocationinfo "WCS:https://elevation.nationalmap.gov:443/arcgis/services/3DEPElevation/ImageServer/WCSServer?version=2.0.1&coverage=DEP3Elevation" -wgs84 -122.086 42.948 --debug ON

This is a point in the middle of Crater Lake which I picked since it's flat and I know what to expect.

Anyway, looking at the debug output it appears that the program is querying for a GeoTIFF of a VERY large area and that's failing.

I actually want to do this with my own WCS server but thought it might be mis-configured somehow so I tried the USGS server.  With my own server, gdallocationinfo seems to be requesting a strange shape from the server (as I can see through the debug output).

Thanks for any help,


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