[gdal-dev] OGR SQL CAST geometry example

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu May 30 18:06:14 PDT 2024

According to http://www3.sqlite.org/series.html, generate_series() is 
only built in the sqlite3 command line utility, not in the library 
itself. That said, with some work, the source at 
https://www.sqlite.org/src/file/ext/misc/series.c could potentially be 
embedded into libgdal

Le 31/05/2024 à 02:49, Dan Jacobson a écrit :
> $ ogrinfo 0.lines.kml -q -dialect SQLITE -sql \
> 'SELECT ST_PointN(GEOMETRY, generate_series(1, ST_NPoints(GEOMETRY))) FROM "0"'
> ERROR 1: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare_v2(....
>    no such function: generate_series

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