[gdal-dev] Proposed RFC 8 amendment regarding (prohibited use of) generative AI tools

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Tue Oct 8 15:55:18 PDT 2024

ElPaso via gdal-dev <gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org> writes:

> I have read the discussion on lwn and I must say that I am more in
> line with the debian position.

My view is that code that comes out of generative AI should be viewed as
an improper derived work, and lacking adequate provenance/permission to
be added to an open source project, period.  As Even says, we could
relax this in the future.  It's very difficult to go back and remove

> I find it ironic that as an open source developer who probably
> contributed a lot of training material to feed the AI model I myself
> am banned to use it.

It's not ironic; it's taking the high moral ground and acting
responsibly.  You haven't "contributed" so much as AI companies have
taken code under licenses and used that code to create derived works in
violation of those licenses, ignoring the share alike and attribution

In my view the only reasonable approach for the open source community is
to shun bad behavior entirely.

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