[gdal-dev] Split out GDAL's GRIB2 tables as a separate repository?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Oct 11 05:04:42 PDT 2024


~ 90% of the credit for those tables belongs to WMO Information 
Management, as they essentially come from 
https://github.com/wmo-im/GRIB2 (under MIT license)

The GDAL version of those tables is a mixture of those WMO tables + NOAA 
NCEP specific tables that extend the WMO ones here and there.

explains the process we apply to do that. The gist is this script 

So essentially what you are seeking for is probably just the original 
WMO .csv tables from https://github.com/wmo-im/GRIB2 . But feel free to 
use the ones of GDAL (under MIT license too), or extract the above 
mentionned script and its input files in a dedicated repository. I'm 
happy if someone else regularly does this refresh & merge operation when 
WMO issue a new release and if I can just copy & paste the output


Le 11/10/2024 à 12:55, Jack Kelly via gdal-dev a écrit :
> Dear GDAL devs,
> The directory gdal/frmts/grib/data/ contains the most comprehensive
> collection of GRIB2 code tables in a machine-readable format that I'm
> aware of! Thank you so much for creating this resource. It's a huge
> help!
> If possible, I'd love to use these CSV GRIB2 tables in two open-source
> GRIB2 projects that I'm collaborating on: gribberish[1] and
> hypergrib[2].
> In the short term, would it be acceptable to the GDAL devs for me to
> copy these CSV files into a new git repository (with some Rust code
> that reads the CSV files and provides a simple Rust API to the GRIB
> tables)? I'd include a README that explains that the CSV files came
> from GDAL, and that I can't take any credit for the CSV files, and
> that any tweaks to the CSV files should be submitted to GDAL (to avoid
> the copied CSV files diverging from GDAL's).
> Longer term, would it make sense to move GDAL's CSV GRIB2 tables &
> related Python code into a separate OSGeo github repository that GDAL
> and other GRIB2 readers could depend on? (No worries if not! I
> appreciate that you're very busy. I'm just keen to avoid copying the
> CSV files. But, if you're happy for me to copy the CSV files, then
> maybe there's less need to split the CSV files out from GDAL).
> Many thanks,
> Jack
> P.S. I'm afraid I may not be of much help in splitting the CSV files
> from GDAL because my knowledge of C++ and cmake is very very rusty!
> References
> 1. https://github.com/mpiannucci/gribberish
> 2. https://github.com/JackKelly/hypergrib
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