[gdal-dev] GDAL 3.10.0 rc2 available (was Re: GDAL 3.10.0 release candidate is available)

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Oct 31 07:55:51 PDT 2024

By the way the logic in CPL_area is slightly incorrect. It assumes that 
if getDimension() == 2  and the type is not wkbMultiSurface or 
wkbMultiPolygon, then you can cast to OGRSurface*

Actually this is incorrect if you have a GeometryCollection with a 
Polygon (and potentially points, lines). getDimension() will return 2 in 
that case, but it is incorrect to cast a OGRGeometryCollection* as a 

I'd suggest instead something along the following (obviously untested):

             OGRwkbGeometryType gt = 
             if (OGR_GT_IsSubClassOf(gt, wkbGeometryCollection)) { /* 
will match OGRMultiPolygon, OGRMultiSurface and OGRGeometryCollection */
                 OGRGeometryCollection *gc = (OGRGeometryCollection *) g[i];
                 out[i] = gc->get_Area();
             } else if (OGR_GT_IsSurface(gt)) {
                 OGRSurface *surf = (OGRSurface *) g[i];
                 out[i] = surf->get_Area();
             } else {
                 out[i] = 0; // not supposed to happen, but who knows...

Le 31/10/2024 à 15:40, Even Rouault via gdal-dev a écrit :
>> should it? In https://github.com/holans/ST-COS/issues/2 there is a 
>> chunk from a backtrace in gdb from CPL_area to 
>> OGRGeometryCollection::get_GeodesicLength, which CPL_area didn't call 
>> itself.
> This is fishy. As you use the C++ API, I assume you've rebuilt the sf 
> package against the GDAL 3.10.0 headers ... ? Because currently it 
> smells like not, and some virtual method mixup. Or the stack-trace 
> isn't reliable (which might happen sometimes because of optimizations)
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