[Geodata] Fw: Free Spanish geodata

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Sun Nov 18 00:54:37 EST 2007

dear all,

About the highlight of the Jornadas gvSIG for me, was getting to meet 
Antonia Rodriguez Pascual from IGN, the Spanish national mapping
agency. Below is included a short listing of some of the base datasets
already available under open, attribution license. As government here is
strongly regionalised, some regions have much stronger open data
polciies than others. 

In addition to the below, from next year we will see the PNOA dataset
of ortofotos at 50cm, available via WMS and, when consensus on license
terms is reached, likely raw data under a CC-BY-NC license, with
planned updates every 2 years, cf some context on this blog here:

... more detail about what is available "nationally" and open now...

As I have mentioned, it is possible now to download from IDEE webpage
(www.idee.es), IDEE for Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de España,
some very basic reference datasets:
- Geodetic vertex
- Administrative boundaries of Spain at scales 1:1,000,000 , 1:200,000
  AND 1:25,000
- A dataset of Spain at the scale 1:1,000,000 (similar to EGM)
This is possible via WFS service ( the web page is http://www.idee.es/clientesIGN/wfsClient/index.html?lang=ES and the service http://www.idee.es/IDEE-WFS/ogcwebservice?Request=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1&Service=WFS <http://www.idee.es/IDEE-WFS/ogcwebservice?Request=GetCapabilities&Service=WFS> ), and the only condition required to use those datasets is to mention the autorship of data (IGN).
Actually, Geonames has downloaded the names of Spanish municipalities
and their capitals. This is reason why you can see IDEE in the list of
sources used (http://www.geonames.org/data-sources.html).
There is a very interesting contribution to Geonames due to Guipuzkoa
Government. Guipuzkoa is a northern province of Spain, in Pais Vasco,
and their Government has donated all its Gazetteer to Geonames
(http://barrapunto.com/article.pl?sid=07/03/23/123200) under a license
CC: by 
Some part of Spanish Administration at National, Regional and Local
level allows to download data in quite free conditions: Navarra, La
Rioja, Cataluña, Diputación de A Coruña,...



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