[Geodata] Re: Stop signs, traffic lights, and other street intersection data

Eric Palakovich Carr carreric at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 17:10:14 EDT 2010

Thanks for the tip, Alex.  I've contacted my local city government and it
appears I'll be able to get data on traffic signals, stop signs, and turn
restriction signs.  I don't really have any reason to horde the data all to
myself, so I'll probably contribute it to OpenStreetMaps (assuming I get the
data in the end).

I just started nosing around in OpenStreetMaps yesterday, so I'm pretty
green on how to go about adding this data when I get it.  Do I add a traffic
light tag to an existing road?  Would I create a point for each light / sign
and associate with the road?  Can a point be associated with more than one

- Eric

On 07/05/2010 Alex Wrote:
> On 07/04/2010 03:30 PM, Eric Palakovich Carr wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I need data on street intersections in the USA.  In particular, what
>> lights, stop signs, or other entities exist at the intersection that
>> how traffic moves through it.  The data should also indicate what streets
>> that hit the intersection are affected by the entity.
>> Does a data set like this exist?

> Fairly unlikely that such a data exists(the most likely sources are the
> paid ones available for GPS units like Teleatlas or Google who may or
> may not sell licenses). Some of this exists in openstreetmap but it is
> by no means comprehensive and quality probably varies by location.

> You may also find a mix of data from States, Counties and Cities but
> that is still somewhat rare.

> Someday, with 'your' help OpenStreeMap will be great for this...

> Thanks,
> Alex
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