[Geo4All] R: Africa Agriculture, Cartography /Remote Sensing & Optimal Production
Dan Bwanika
bulemezi at gmail.com
Sun Nov 26 06:45:52 PST 2017
here is the PDF sorry
Research , Educators should own this UIDC platform its a great meeting place.
On 11/26/17, Dan Bwanika <bulemezi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Prof. Charlie Schweik
> No I do not have a OSGeo wiki account.
> It is indeed a very good idea for Multiple Use Lab - that can be
> utilised by researchers, students and business product developers from
> different sectors.
> The Infrastructure needs (both virtual and physical) in this part of
> the world are unrevealing as governments start mega project investment
> and population pressure takes a toll on existing social organisation
> and structures.
> Best
> Dan.
> On 11/26/17, Charlie Schweik <cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> This discussion is a great example of the untapped potential we have in
>> our
>> network. As I proposed in my recent webinar: *Can we identify 2-4
>> GeoForAll research or education projects where at least 2 GeoForAll labs
>> are trying to work together on a tangible project? Dan's needs for Uganda
>> might be an "application project" that multiple labs (and their students)
>> could collaboratively work on. *
>> @Dan: Do you have an OSGeo wiki account [1]? I think it would be helpful
>> if
>> we tried to create a GeoForAll "project page" that would outline your
>> GeoForAll lab needs or requirements re Uganda agriculture as was
>> suggested
>> in another email. Then, after that we can identify one or more GeoForAll
>> labs that are willing to contribute to this project. After that, we can
>> try and figure out the collaborative infrastructure needed to move the
>> collaboration forward. I'd push to see if we can find good students at
>> multiple labs, who might want to work on the collaborative project as an
>> independent study, as part of their educational program. We can use Zoom
>> conferencing or something like that for team meetings, and collaborative
>> infrastructure (wikis, SLACK?, Open Science Framework [http://osi.io]),
>> Github, Google Drive, for file management).
>> @Maxi: I'd be interested in talking to you some time about what you are
>> doing and investigating whether there are opportunities to connect
>> related
>> to the air sensor [1] and water sensor projects I mentioned earlier.
>> Perhaps your GeoForAll lab and ours in Amherst, Massachusetts might begin
>> collaborating in the geospatial IOT/environmental sensor area.
>> Cheers,
>> Charlie
>> [1]
>> http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2017/08/umass_professor_works_to_reduce_air_inequality_across_globe.html
>> On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 3:48 AM, Massimiliano Cannata <
>> massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch> wrote:
>>> Thanks Maria,
>>> I would suggest to take a look at Open Monitoring System Working group
>>> of
>>> the Open Geoscience Committee (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/
>>> Open_Monitoring_Systems_Working_Group), the project 4ONSE (
>>> http://www.4onse.ch) and the software istSOS (http://www.istsos.org) to
>>> see what we're doing with open hardware and open source...
>>> Best
>>> Maxi
>>> Il 26 nov 2017 09:29, "Maria Antonia Brovelli"
>>> <maria.brovelli at polimi.it>
>>> ha scritto:
>>>> Massimiliano has a long experience with IoT. They have been developing
>>>> ISTSOS and working on many projects related to sensors.
>>>> Best
>>>> Maria
>>>> Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung
>>>> -------- Messaggio originale --------
>>>> Da: Charlie Schweik <cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu>
>>>> Data: 25/11/17 23:02 (GMT+01:00)
>>>> A: "Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX)" <patrick.hogan at nasa.gov>
>>>> Cc: GeoForAll <GeoForAll at lists.osgeo.org>, Dan Bwanika <
>>>> bulemezi at gmail.com>
>>>> Oggetto: Re: [Geo4All] Africa Agriculture, Cartography /Remote Sensing
>>>> &
>>>> Optimal Production
>>>> Probably right, Patrick.
>>>> Although I have two "existence proof" projects where students are
>>>> building relatively low-cost open source hardware for air pollution and
>>>> water pollution sensing. In the former, the students have a device that
>>>> is
>>>> under $100 and collects better data than a $1000 proprietary device in
>>>> a
>>>> controlled environment. In the latter, there is a device invented by
>>>> some
>>>> engineering students in Bogota Colombia who are now sharing their
>>>> device
>>>> build instructions and students at UMass are implementing their device
>>>> and
>>>> testing it. These still are cost prohibitive -- as you are suggesting.
>>>> My only point is as we move toward the Internet of Things and lower and
>>>> lower cost sensors and things like Ardunios there is the prospect of
>>>> GeoForAll labs to begin to work on geospatially-explicit environmental
>>>> sensor collaborations in the same way we might be doing in software or
>>>> educational products. If we, as a community, want to move toward smart
>>>> cities with environmental sensors collecting data and mapping that
>>>> data,
>>>> we
>>>> need to find applications within our network to try and start building
>>>> collaborations.
>>>> But your suggestion on weather information is probably a very good
>>>> first
>>>> step and great to see your GitHub project work, Patrick!
>>>> Charlie
>>>> On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 4:48 PM, Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) <
>>>> patrick.hogan at nasa.gov> wrote:
>>>>> Meant to include Suchith!
>>>>> *From:* GeoForAll [mailto:geoforall-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] *On
>>>>> Behalf
>>>>> Of *Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX)
>>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, November 25, 2017 1:11 PM
>>>>> *To:* Charlie Schweik; Charlie Martial NGOUNOU
>>>>> *Cc:* GeoForAll; Dan Bwanika
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Geo4All] Africa Agriculture, Cartography /Remote
>>>>> Sensing & Optimal Production
>>>>> Dan and Charlie(s) Suchith and All,
>>>>> The hardware in for tracking cows, is not a cheap passive implant but
>>>>> a
>>>>> powered collar affair, and given the cost, seems more a proposal for
>>>>> the
>>>>> Gates Foundation.
>>>>> Meanwhile, getting weather and other agricultural support to these
>>>>> communities would seem a worthy enterprise.
>>>>> The thing we are weakest on is assuring each farmer has the best
>>>>> weather
>>>>> information, short range and medium range (www.ecmwf.int), and highly
>>>>> localized.
>>>>> https://github.com/NASAWorldWindResearch/AgroSphere/wiki
>>>>> https://github.com/NASAWorldWindResearch/WorldWeather/wiki
>>>>> Ideally this would guidance on respective crops given the soil type
>>>>> and
>>>>> expected weather pattern. The two top winners of the Europa Challenge
>>>>> this
>>>>> past year, both NASA Intern teams, have basic apps that are relevant
>>>>> to
>>>>> serving the local farmer. I am glad to mentor any student or teams
>>>>> that
>>>>> might wish to do more serving these priorities, the same priorities of
>>>>> www.GODAN.info.
>>>>> -Patrick
>>>>> (650) 604-5656 (o)
>>>>> (650) 269-2788 (c)
>>>>> *From:* GeoForAll [mailto:geoforall-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>> <geoforall-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>] *On Behalf Of *Charlie Schweik
>>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, November 25, 2017 12:22 PM
>>>>> *To:* Charlie Martial NGOUNOU
>>>>> *Cc:* GeoForAll; Dan Bwanika
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Geo4All] Africa Agriculture, Cartography /Remote
>>>>> Sensing & Optimal Production
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> So this seems like a problem area where the GeoForAll lab network
>>>>> could
>>>>> establish a cross-university team of students to develop a low-cost
>>>>> open
>>>>> source hardware/mapping application, perhaps under a coordinated
>>>>> independent study?
>>>>> Are there any labs interested in trying to do this? I *might (no
>>>>> promises yet!)* be able to find a student willing to try on my campus
>>>>> at
>>>>> the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, to try and collaborate with
>>>>> Daniel over the Internet between January-May. Anyone else?
>>>>> Charlie
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 4:00 AM, Charlie Martial NGOUNOU <
>>>>> cmngounou at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Daniel
>>>>> I like what you say here.
>>>>> Problems you observe in Uganda are similar to what we have in Central
>>>>> Africa.
>>>>> We need to leverage Geo tools to cartography everything in our
>>>>> countries, because it is very difficult to locate anything here.
>>>>> Thank you !
>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> *Charlie Martial NGOUNOU, Founder*
>>>>> *AfroLeadership, Promoting Data Revolution in Africa*
>>>>> *Tel. 00237 69999 7093, Yaoundé - Cameroon*
>>>>> *Click about Charlie M. NGOUNOU ?
>>>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/charliemartialngounou/>*
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 8:39 AM, Dan Bwanika <bulemezi at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Forum
>>>>> Recently, I was in the northern central part of Uganda where cattle
>>>>> keepers have farms in the region of 300 -600 acres. It took me three
>>>>> hours to locate where the cows had grazed that day.
>>>>> Then I thought to myself, maybe if each cattle had a GPS/GSM tag, I
>>>>> would locate the cows in a few minutes instead of walking in an
>>>>> endless bush. Even then do these people need such huge land for cattle
>>>>> keeping if they had good aerial data on vegetation, water etc.,?
>>>>> Uganda key socioeconomic activity is still agriculture and it will
>>>>> remain the same for some time to come. Uganda if you look closely at
>>>>> the map is endowed with huge water resources.
>>>>> For the above reason, this country will need huge cartographical data
>>>>> on soil profiles, vegetation, crops, water sources, animal husbandry
>>>>> etc.
>>>>> That is how technology is converging on Africa in a massive way.
>>>>> Can we work together on this – get in touch.
>>>>> Best
>>>>> Daniel Bwanika
>>>>> --
>>>>> _____________________________
>>>>> Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero
>>>>> Daniel Bwanika
>>>>> Box 12413 Kampala
>>>>> Uganda
>>>>> t: +256-752-972-960
>>>>> f: facebook.com/uidc.uganda
>>>>> www.uidc-ea.org
>>>>> e: uidcug at gmail.com
>>>>> t: @uidc_ug
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> GeoForAll mailing list
>>>>> GeoForAll at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geoforall
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> GeoForAll mailing list
>>>>> GeoForAll at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geoforall
>>>>> --
>>>>> Charlie Schweik
>>>>> Professor
>>>>> Department of Environmental Conservation &
>>>>> School of Public Policy
>>>>> University of Massachusetts, Amherst
>>>>> "Make positive change in your sphere of influence." -- CMS
>>>> --
>>>> Charlie Schweik
>>>> Professor
>>>> Department of Environmental Conservation &
>>>> School of Public Policy
>>>> University of Massachusetts, Amherst
>>>> "Make positive change in your sphere of influence." -- CMS
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> GeoForAll mailing list
>>>> GeoForAll at lists.osgeo.org
>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geoforall
>> --
>> Charlie Schweik
>> Professor
>> Department of Environmental Conservation &
>> School of Public Policy
>> University of Massachusetts, Amherst
>> "Make positive change in your sphere of influence." -- CMS
> --
> _____________________________
> Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero
> Daniel Bwanika
> Box 12413 Kampala
> Uganda
> t: +256-752-972-960
> f: facebook.com/uidc.uganda
> www.uidc-ea.org
> e: uidcug at gmail.com
> t: @uidc_ug
Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero
Daniel Bwanika
Box 12413 Kampala
t: +256-752-972-960
f: facebook.com/uidc.uganda
e: uidcug at gmail.com
t: @uidc_ug
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