[Geomoose-users] IIS vs Apache

Jay Kapalczynski jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us
Thu Mar 27 17:10:23 EDT 2008

As a few of you know I have been having issues with trying to run
ASP.Net pages through Apache.


I have been trying eveything I know to get this to work

I have tried downloading 3rd party software that was supposed to get
Apache to understand ASP.Net

Then found a website that said Apache 2.2 and beyond supports ASP.Net.

But with no luck ....I could not get Apache to run an ASP.Net Page.


I then moved on to seeing if I could get my IIS to run an existing
ASP.Net page

I then started to experience issues as well

for some reason IIS would not run the ASP.Net page


*         I then reinstalled IIS and changed the IIS port to 1022 (Or I
could have changed GeoMoose)

*         Navigated to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\"Versions"
Note there are a few in my folder.

*         I checked every folder for this file "aspnet_regiis.exe"

*         I then went to the DOS prompt and navigated to each folder
that contained the file and ran 2 commands to uninstall and reinstall
the file

*         aspnet.regiis -u

*         aspnet.regiis -i

*         I then stopped and started the IIS service

*         Created another website on the IIS service

*         pasted a few ASP.Net pages there and was successful in opening


So now I have Apache and IIS running...on the same box...IIS at port
1022 and GeoMoose at Port 80


I open Geomoose (Apache) use my identify tool to identify a Parcel.

I then have a button in the Information results page that creates a URL
and attached the PID from the Identify in the URL

The URL opens an ASP.Net page on my IIS service and prepopulates a
textbox with the PID value from the URL...


I plan to use this ASP.Net page to update a database locally or on the


With all that said can anyone see any major  issues with running Apache
and IIS on the same machine?


Is there any danger that I might be heading towards.


If I move to Stricly IIS what do I have to do?

uninstall Apache?

Move files to the IIS folders?





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