[Geomoose-users] Recommended MS4W/GeoMoose version?

Eli Adam eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Tue Nov 22 16:15:36 EST 2011

Until we get the next release (2.6) out, do we have a recommended MS4W
and GeoMoose version combination?

Although I've only done limited testing, it seems that the most recent
MS4W (3.0.3) with GeoMoose 2.4 with a few changes is the best bet.

The changes needed to GeoMoose 2.4 that I have noted so far are:

-PHP: layerObj->getFeature() is gone, use layerObj->getShape() instead.
-geomoose_globals.map: GD/JPEG driver is gone, use AGG/JPEG.
                      Default to PNG not GIF.
-symbol.sym: Comment out GAP and STYLE as they have moved into the STYLE
            stanza in the mapfile from the SYMBOL definition.
(All done in trunk with revision 468)
-And the trailing commas in main.js (501) and compiled.js (2216)

Other changes?

Should we consider a 2.4.1 release with these changes or just focus on 2.6?

Bests, Eli

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