[Geomoose-users] Search Capablility For A Layer with Portuguese special characters

Dan Little theduckylittle at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 10:00:31 PDT 2014

Shapefiles are actually *more* problematic because they tend to assume
ISO-8859-1/Latin-1 encoding. I don't know if Latin-1 has encoding support
for Portuguese characters.  In order of fluency, my languages are English,
German, and North American Spanish.

We are trying to put together a new release soon.  Which is the constant
state of GeoMOOSE.  Are you using version 2.6.1?

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:55 AM, André Barriguinha <
andrebarriguinha at agriciencia.com> wrote:

>  Yes  UTF-8
> You can see the interface here although in Portuguese:
> http://agriciencia.servehttp.com:1024/riplante/riplante.html
> I have also the same issues in the identify tool. If i use a shapefile and
> read directly from the table stored in a folder it doesnt work. If i put
> them in PostGIS it reads ok and all the special characters are identified.
> Regards
> André
>  Em 13-03-2014 16:38, Dan Little escreveu:
> Hi André,
>  This is an issue with encodings and PHP that I need to work out.  I keep
> forgetting to do it.  We've ran into this problem with Russian, Turkish,
> and German.  I can probably create a test case for German.  Are you using
> UTF-8?
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 1:01 PM, André Barriguinha <
> andrebarriguinha at agriciencia.com> wrote:
>>  I'm having trouble setting up the search to a layer when I use
>> characters like ç ou à
>> Basicaly writen in Portuguese with some special characters.
>> The layer is in a PostGIS database and works fine if I search words with
>> no special characters
>> Iam using the comparitor like-icase
>> Regards
>> André Barriguinha
>>  --
>>   <http://www.agriciencia.com/>   *André Barriguinha*
>> *Agri-Ciência, Consultores de Engenharia, Lda.*<http://www.agriciencia.com>
>> Rua dos Lusíadas, 52 - 1º
>> 1300-372 LISBOA
>> *E-mail: *andrebarriguinha at agriciencia.com
>> *Telef: *+(351) 213 649 625
>> *Telm:* +(351) 914 155 278 <%2B%28351%29%20914%20155%20278>
>> *Fax:* +(351) 213 649 625 <%2B%28351%29%20213%20649%20625>
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