[Geomoose-users] Feature Report error with Identify Tool

Fernando nando_gcia at hotmail.com
Thu May 28 03:10:36 PDT 2015

Brent, thank you for your replies but how can I georeference the building plan correctly ? Actually we don't need to have an real coordinate system, that does not matter in the project. We start from a DXF AutoCAD drawing and converted into shapefile with ArcTools and then import it to POSTGIS. To display online we decided to try GeoMOOSE.

How do you think that would solve the error?

Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 07:36:02 -0600
From: bfraser at geoanalytic.com
To: nando_gcia at hotmail.com; geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Feature Report error with Identify Tool



      Your EXTENT is set to 


           EXTENT -136 -1 227 362

           UNITS METERS


        while not technically invalid, it means you are mapping an area
        about 400 meters by 400 meters off the coast of Africa.  Try
        setting the EXTENT to values for your mapping area.

    Best Regards,
Brent Fraser
    On 5/27/2015 3:44 AM, Fernando wrote:

      Hello again, after making the "Identify" tool to work
            properly, I added the option "feature_report" but fails.


          My identify.html file is:


          <! - MapServer Template ->

            bgcolor = "# DEE5EB"> <td colspan = "2"> <b>
            <u> SPACE </ u> </ b> </ tr>


          <Td align = "right"> <b> IDENTIFIER: </
            b> </ td>


            [dxf_text] <a

            Report </ a> </ td>

          </ Tr>


          <Td align = "right"> <b> Content: </ b>
            </ td>

          <Td> [content] </ td>

          </ Tr>


            My map file is:



                NAME EDIFICIO_C2_MAP                            

                STATUS ON                                               

                SIZE 800 800                                    

                EXTENT -136 -1 227 362                      

                UNITS METERS                                          


                INCLUDE "./geomoose_globals.map"


                IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255                     

                IMAGETYPE PNG                                          

                SYMBOLSET "./symbols/symbol.sym"   

                FONTSET "./fonts/fontset.list" 

                TRANSPARENT FALSE

                RESOLUTION 100

                DEFRESOLUTION 100

                CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "/ms4w/ms_error_c2.txt"

                DEBUG 5



              NAME png

              DRIVER "AGG/PNG"

              MIMETYPE "image/png"

              IMAGEMODE PC256

              EXTENSION "png"

              FORMATOPTION "GAMMA=0.75"




        My parcel.xml file is:



                <!-- query informtion -->

                <query item="dxf_text" string="%qstring%"/>


                <!-- This is the template -->



                <!-- this is the location of the map in the template

                <map x="0.92" y="2.18" w="6.69" h="3.68"/>


                <!-- This is a list of where the fields are to be
            printed on the template -->


                    <field x=".5" y="7.25" src="%dxf_text%"

                    <field x=".5" y="7.45" src="%contenido%"


                    <field x=".5" y="8.25" src="%area%" title="AREA:"

                    <field x=".5" y="8.45" src="%perimeter%"







          Test search results:


          Detailed information for the area you clicked on the map

          Ground Coordinates

          X: 116.27685546875

          Y: 299.78662109375



          IDENTIFIER: 16C2BN001   Report







          Error when I click on the hyperlink "Report":


              Warning: layerObj :: queryByRect (): [MapServer Error]:
            msPostGISLayerWhichShapes (): Error executing query: ERROR:
            syntax error at or near "C2BN001"

          LINE 1:
            ... -1 362.227 362.227 -136 -1 -136 -1)) ', 3857) and


              in C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \
            feature_report.php on line 72


            MapObj :: SetExtent (): [MapServer Error]: SetExtent ():
            Given extent map is invalid. Check That it is in the form: minx, miny, maxx, maxy

             in C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \
            feature_report.php on line 100


          Warning: MapObj :: SetExtent (): [MapServer Error]:
            msPostGISLayerWhichShapes (): Error executing query: ERROR:
            syntax error at or near "C2BN001"

          LINE 1:
            ... -1 362.227 362.227 -136 -1 -136 -1)) ', 3857) and


              in C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \
            feature_report.php on line 100


          Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MapScriptException' in C:
            \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \
            feature_report.php: 100

          Stack trace:

          # 0 C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \
            feature_report.php (100) mapObj-> SetExtent (0, 0, 0, 0)

          # 1 {main}

              thrown in C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \
            feature_report.php on line 100



            Can anyone help me fix the error? 


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