[Geomoose-users] GeoMOOSE searching GeoNetwork metadata

James Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 07:46:32 PST 2017

I wrote an extension connected GeoMoose to a CSW server (GeoNetwork) for a
project maybe 5 years ago or so.  I had intended to release it but never
got around to cleaning it up enough to not be project specific.  It would
also take some work to bring it up to date with current GeoMoose.

It was a tab that searched the catalog and then presented the results with
options to view the metadata or if a WMS link was present in the metadata,
add the layer to the map.  A download button would be possible if it could
be derived from the metadata, but don't remember if I had that working.

Add to Map required some trickery:
1) The Active/Visible layers extension was necessary to control the layers
added from CSW.  The regular Catalog tab still works as normal but didn't
know anything about the new layers.

2) (And this was the real stumbling block to me finishing the release.)
Because the CSW server was cataloging many off site resources, I had no
control over the WMS servers.  As such many didn't support the projection
used by GeoMoose (at the only commonly available WMS projection was 4326
which looks horrible on screen) so I wrote a ruby-mapscript program that
generated a mapfile for MapServer on the fly (in RAM) that from the
metadata info would connect to the remote WMS, find the best projection
supoorted by the server, if necessary reproject it to the projection uses
by GeoMoose and create a local WMS server that GeoMoose would use.

On Feb 2, 2017 8:23 AM, "Kevin Grootendorst" <kgrootendorst at gmail.com>

Dear list,
I'm interested in using GeoMOOSE to ssearch and display layers from
GeoNetwork. A user would be able to query GeoNetwork metadata from within
GeoMOOSE, then have the option to display metadata, add the layer to the
map, or download the layer.
I think I have to implement Catalog Web Services in GeoNetwork and have
GeoMOOSE connect to these web services.  I assume I'll have to write a
JavaScript extension for GeoMOOSE, but JS is not my strength.
Does any one have any insight into how to develop this connection?  I found
a post from years ago that confirmed that the connection is possible, but
there was no additional info.

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