[GeoNode-devel] Custom geonode project installation
Toni Schönbuchner
toni.schoenbuchner at csgis.de
Wed Dec 19 08:27:46 PST 2018
Hi Dimitris,
it sounds you´re a bit puzzled between 'geonode core‘ and geonode-project.
To understand better see whats happening with geonode-project:
It installs `geonode core` as dependency:
further loads/overwrites it´s settings:
Doing so we can overwrite things like templates etc. in Geonode-Project without touching
core files.
As a rule of thumb, if you´d like to commit changes to geonode core, create a fork of the upstream
repository, do your changes and create a PR.
I think in your case – as you´d like to modify your specific version – start by creating a geonode
project as described here (and ignore the first 'geonode core' dev setup):
I hope I did not misunderstood your question.
Happy geonod’ ing.
– Toni
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> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 16:57:16 +0100
> From: Dimitris Kar <dkarakostis at gmail.com>
> To: geonode-devel <geonode-devel at lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject: [GeoNode-devel] Custom geonode project installation
> Message-ID:
> <CAH4UFc99H4OuAxKUc+FhFZ=13gSJZDdMnH7Lj1=ec49Qg+6sgA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello all,
> I am trying following the instructions from this workshop (
> http://geonode.org/dev-workshop/#/2) in order to install GeoNode and a
> GeoNode project. I have installed GeoNode in dev mode using a python
> virtualenv + django development server method.
> Then I follow the instructions in order to create a geonode-project as
> following:
> 1. cd ./geonode
> 2. django-admin.py startproject wfp_geonode --template=
> https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode-project/archive/master.zip -e
> py,rst,json,yml,ini,env,sample -n Dockerfile wfp_geonode (I executed
> this command without includong: -n Dockerfile wfp_geonode)
> 3. workon geonode
> 4. cd wfp_geonode
> 5. pip install -e wfp_geonode
> 6. cd ../geonode
> 7. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=wfp_geonode.local_settings paver start
> But when I actually run the command, I get the below command. If I am not
> wrong, I remember, that I can not use geonode-project aside with a geonode
> dev installation but this is not quite clear in the above workshop
> presentation (see above link).
> Did anyone had similar issues? Should I install a geonode for production
> and use the geonode-project then?
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