[GeoNode-devel] Change style raises 403 even for admin after updating to latest master code

Paolo Corti pcorti at gmail.com
Thu Mar 7 08:23:19 PST 2019

Hello developers

For a few weeks two our instances base on GeoNode master have been
working correctly, but now - after pulling latest commits from GeoNode
master (not sure which one is affecting this) - even the admin can't
change the style for a layer (gets a 403).

This is the error I see in the GeoServer log (here is the full log:

2019-03-07 16:14:03,322 INFO [geoserver.flow] - Request [wfs 1.0.0
DescribeFeatureType] starting, processing through flow controllers
2019-03-07 16:14:03,322 INFO [geoserver.flow] - Request control-flow
performed, running requests: 1, blocked requests: 0
2019-03-07 16:14:03,323 ERROR [geoserver.ows] -
org.geoserver.wfs.WFSException: Could not find type:
    at org.geoserver.wfs.DescribeFeatureType.run(DescribeFeatureType.java:156)
at org.geoserver.wfs.DefaultWebFeatureService.describeFeatureType(DefaultWebFeatureService.java:91)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor482.invoke(Unknown Source)

could this be a regression?

any idea?

Paolo Corti
Geospatial software developer
web: http://www.paolocorti.net
twitter: @capooti
skype: capooti

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