[GeoNode-devel] Few questions about the current status (versions and branches)

Chiara Sammarco chiara.sammarco at geodatalab.it
Tue Apr 20 07:23:40 PDT 2021

   Hi all,

   I have a few questions about the current status of GeoNode.

   The first question is about geonode's installation versions, as far as I've understood:

    1. SpcGeonode is no longer maintained.
    2. There's a new docker version (in the guide). (About docker versions, I have noticed the geonode-project repo. Which is the difference?)
    3. It is possible to follow a traditional installation (in the guide - installation for Ubuntu 20.04lts)

   Is that right? If you want to add something else to complete the picture, maybe it will be useful also for others.

   The last two options are normally maintained, aren't they? Is there a preferred one or I can freely choose the most convenient one?

   The second question is about branches. By reading the last messages in this mailing list, I have understood that branches 3.2.x or 3.1.x are more stable. Is that still like this?

   Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.

   Best regards,

   Chiara Sammarco
   Technical Leader and Project Manager
   Via di Corticella, 315 | Bologna, BO 40128
   tel (+39) 06 24 19 585 | mobile (+39) 342 19 60 662
   www.geodatalab.it | management at geodatalab.it
   Nota di riservatezza: Questa email contiene informazioni private e/o confidenziali. Se hai ricevuto questo messaggio per errore sei pregato di eliminarlo e notificare il mittente. Grazie per la collaborazione.
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