[GeoNode-users] geonode updatelayers exception "non-XML response"

Jeffrey Johnson ortelius at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 06:48:38 PST 2015


Can you join us online next week during the sprint to look into this
issue? Also, its probably helpful if you paste the stacktrace from


On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 11:49 PM, Christian Willmes
<christian.willmes at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> any advice on this? How can I fix it and preserve my data, and most
> important the URLs?
> I considered reinstalling Geonode, by preserving the GeoServer, but I
> figured, that this may break the URLs, which would be bad, because other
> applications link to the Geonode resources.
> Regards,
> Christian
> Am 05.11.2015 um 16:58 schrieb Christian Willmes:
>> Hi,
>> I can't run the "geonode updatelayers" command anymore, because it always
>> aborts with an error like:
>> >>Exception: ('GeoServer gave non-XML response for [GET
>> >> http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/geonode/datastores/datastore/featuretypes/lgm_landmask_hires.xml]:
>> >> <featureType>\n <name>lgm_landmask_hires</name>\n
>> >> <nativeName>lgm_landmask_hires</nativeName>\n <namespace>\n
>> >> <name>geonode</name>\n   [...]
>> I cant fix the schema in geoserver by reloading the feature type in the
>> Layer edit view, but it does not work. It throws really long java stack
>> trace in the "publication" tab, one line says:
>> >>Caused by: java.io.IOException: Schema 'lgm_landmask_hires' does not
>> >> exist.
>> I also completely deleted another layer, that throwed this same error
>> before. But its not really an option to delete all layers to be able to run
>> the command again.
>> I also tried with the --ignore-errors option, but got the same error /
>> abort.
>> How can I fix or circumvent this problem?
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Christian
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