[GeoNode-users] rest service connection

Simone Dalmasso simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Tue May 24 07:53:03 PDT 2016


the ALLOWED_HOSTS is only for your server name and it's not involved in the
remote server use. It should contain the name or IP of your geonode server.
the PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS should look like  ( '<host>', ) beware
the parenthesis.

In case it still don't work you can open the browser debug console and see
what request is issued.

hope this helps

2016-05-24 16:48 GMT+02:00 Marcelo Villarroel <
raul.marcelo.villarroel.villazon at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> Geonode, version 2.4b25, is installed in a linux server of my office. I´m
> connecting as superuser through local network.
> There are ArcGIS rest services I want to add. They are provided as:
> https://<host>/arcgis/rest/services/SMA/WebMap_Existente/MapServer/<name>
> I added this server in local_settings.py:
> ALLOWED_HOSTS= [ 'https://<host>/arcgis/services' ]
> PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ 'https://<host>/arcgis/services' ]
> When I want to add a layer to a map:
> Layers/ Add layers / Add a new Server... / Type: ArcGIS REST Service (REST)
> URL: https://
> <host>/arcgis/rest/services/SMA/WebMap_Existente/MapServer/<name>
> The message remains: Contacting server...  and does not connect.
> Do you know if there is something I´m missing in the configuration file,
> or is something related to the ArcGIS service itself?
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> --
> *R. Marcelo Villarroel V.*
> Ing. Civil, MSc.
> *Sistemas de Información Geográfica*
> Cochabamba, Bolivia.
> Cel.:     (+591) 722 12346
> Mail:     raul.marcelo.villarroel.villazon at gmail.com
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