[GeoNode-users] How to set rights/permissions

Simone Dalmasso simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 11:11:37 PDT 2016

Hi, you should only create the group through the geonode gui and not
through the admin, as you  pointed out it will create the auth group with
the same name for you.
This is needed to have in geonode the groups support. the users belonging
to groups will inherit the same permissions.

I cannot replicate your behaviour in master but i'll double check tomorrow.


2016-09-07 17:55 GMT+02:00 christophe lefort <stan4gis at gmail.com>:

> Hi list,
> I really do not interstand permissions in GeoNode.
> As a superuser, I create an Auth>Group in Django GeoNode Admin with no
> permission attached to this group.
> I then create a People>User in Django GeoNode Admin and attach this user
> to that group.
> I connect to GeoNode with this user, and he has all rights on every
> ressources.
> As I didn't really understand the difference beetween Auth>Groups and
> Groups>GroupProfiles, but saw that a group profile is viewable in GeoNode
> and create automatically a Auth>Group in Django Admin, I tried the same
> with a group profile (with zero permission attached to it).
> Same punishment : the user can do  whatever he wants in GeoNode.
> As a last test, I change DEFAULT_ANONYMOUS_VIEW_PERMISSION and
> restart, but I notice no changes in GeoNode.
> Does someone can explain what is wrong ?
> With Regards
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