[GeoNode-users] default workspace for geosites

Jeffrey Johnson ortelius at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 06:26:17 PST 2017

Just to clarify.

CASCADE_WORKSPACE Is used by Remote services for cascading WMS.

The geosites functionality does NOT use geoserver workspaces.

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 3:04 AM, Eugenio Trumpy <frippe12573 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> The suggested way to store the layers belonging different geosites in
> geoserver It seemed nice to me.
> I read it here:
> https://geonode.readthedocs.io/en/2.0/tutorials/admin/multi-tenancy.html
> I wondered how I should create the workspace in geoserver.
> I presume by hand from geoserver interface, then second question was where I
> have to
> set the workspace for the geosite since in the global setting.py I have:
> and
> CASCADE_WORKSPACE (what does it means? What is it?)
> I suppose the master site has to have DEFAULT_WORKSPACE = 'geonode'
> whereas the site DEFAULT_WORKSPACE = 'geosite', so loading a layer from the
> site it should use such workspace, is that right?
> Why it does not work?
> I understand that could be a second way (i.e. the way suggested by Simone),
> could you give me an example? I guess you act layer by layer adding new
> rules in geoserver 'Data security'.
> ciao
> Eugenio
> ________________________________
> Da: Simone Dalmasso <simone.dalmasso at gmail.com>
> Inviato: venerdì 13 gennaio 2017 11.45
> A: Alessio Fabiani
> Cc: Eugenio Trumpy; geonode-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Oggetto: Re: [GeoNode-users] default workspace for geosites
> Not sure about the default workspace it might be a geonode bug. But I leave
> the layers in the "geonode" one and it works well. Layers are managed
> respecting permissions, and it works well in the instances I have.
> 2017-01-13 10:59 GMT+01:00 Alessio Fabiani
> <alessio.fabiani at geo-solutions.it>:
>> Not sure but I'm afraid geonode has currently a lot of hardcoded stuff. It
>> is quite premature speaking about multi-tenancy on GeoNode.
>> Best Regards,
>> Alessio Fabiani.
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>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 10:44 AM, Eugenio Trumpy <frippe12573 at hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I setup geosites in my geonode instance.
>>> I'm now testing the geosite I created. I tried to upload a SHP from my
>>> new geosite and the procedure went well.
>>> However in geoserver, I see the new layer under the workspace named
>>> 'geonode', which was created by the master site (for master site I mean the
>>> one we have with the default installation of geonode). Since i inserted the
>>> variable DEFAULT_WORKSPACE='mynewgeosite' in the settings.py placed in the
>>> folder of my new geosite, I was expected to have the new SHP in the new
>>> geoserver workspace.
>>> Where am I wrong?
>>> Moreover, after the layer upload I can see it in the layer list, but in
>>> the 'type' filter I see the vector layer loaded over all the others layers
>>> loaded in the master site.
>>> I was expected to have only 1 layer. Is that correct or it is due to a
>>> somehow miss-configuration?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Eugenio
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> --
> Simone
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