[GeoNode-users] Install GDAL extensions - Geonode 2.6

David Zuill david.zuill at outlook.com
Tue Jun 27 19:59:32 PDT 2017

I have Geonode 2.6 running on Ubuntu 14

The version of GeoServer is 2.9-SNAPSHOT.

I would like to install the GDAL extensions on the Geoserver instance.

I have tried to install the GDAL extensions following the instructions here - http://docs.geoserver.org/2.9.3/user/data/raster/gdal.html

I tried both the GeoServer 2.9.4 GDAL extensions and Geoserver 2.9.3 GDAL extensions. After restarting GeoServer, the additional coverage formats aren't available.

Both gdalinfo --version returns the correct version, and gdalinfo --formats returns the list of supported formats.

I can't find anything obvious in the log file, there is a reference to - ArcSDE Java API seems to not be on your classpath. Please verify that all needed jars are. ArcSDE data stores will not be available.

and then

2017-06-27 03:31:35,393 DEBUG [gdal.envihdr] - EnviHdrFormatFactory is not availaible. 2017-06-27 03:31:35,393 DEBUG [gdal.jp2mrisd] - JP2MrSIDFormatFactory is not availaible. 2017-06-27 03:31:35,393 DEBUG [gdal.jp2ecw] - JP2ECWFormatFactory is not availaible. 2017-06-27 03:31:35,393 DEBUG [gdal.mrsid] - MrSIDFormatFactory is not availaible. ...........etc

I have updated the \etc\environment file to include the path, still nothing.

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