[GeoNode-users] Customizing Geonode (Installed via apt-get) from Geonode-project Dev

Dave Kennewell davekennewell at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 08:03:52 PDT 2018

OK, great Julierme, we're getting there!

I'm guessing you want to run Django & geonode from this virtualenv, so
let's figure that out.

You need to find in which settings file sets the
"django.db.backends.sqlite3" in your code, and then comment this section

If you can't find it, try something like:

grep -r "django.db.backends.sqlite3" "/"

which will search all files under your root directory "/" for this text.
You might need a coffee while you wait, and might need to use sudo to avoid
getting a bunch of "permission denied" messages.

On 19 April 2018 at 18:42, Julierme Pinheiro <
juliermeopensourcedeveloper at gmail.com> wrote:

> Looking at the ALLOWED_HOSTS and PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS in the settings.py in
> my_geonode (Geonode-project DEV)
> ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', 'django', ''] if
> os.getenv('ALLOWED_HOSTS') is None \
>     else re.split(r' *[,|:|;] *', os.getenv('ALLOWED_HOSTS'))
> PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS += ('nominatim.openstreetmap.org', '',)
> I am not sure if that configuration is missing something.
> Kind regards
> Julierme
> 2018-04-19 11:17 GMT-03:00 Julierme Pinheiro <juliermeopensourcedeveloper@
> gmail.com>:
>> Dear Toni Schonbuchner and Dave Kennewell,
>> Thank you very much for your reply.
>> First if I did not misunderstand Toni suggestion, I tried the following:
>> *1 - Commenting out <# ENGINE': '', # Empty ENGINE name disables> from
>> local_settings.py in my_geonode (Geonode-Project Dev virtualenv)*
>> Result: the problem remains
>> *2 - Uncommenting out < ENGINE': '', # Empty ENGINE name disables> from
>> local_settings.py in my_geonode (Geonode-Project Dev virtualenv) and
>> inserting the line < ENGINE': '', # Empty ENGINE name disables> in
>> local_settings.py from Geonode (Geonode apt-get)*.
>> Result: the problem remains
>> However, I got a new response to Dave Kennewell suggestion after
>> activating my_geonode virtualenv:
>> *settings.DATABASES*
>> {'default': {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'ATOMIC_REQUESTS':
>> False, 'CONN_MAX_AGE': 600, 'HOST': '', 'USER': '', 'PASSWORD': '',
>> 'OPTIONS': {}, 'AUTOCOMMIT': True, 'NAME': '/etc/julierme_virtualenv/my_g
>> eonode/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/geonode/development.db',
>> 'TIME_ZONE': 'UTC', 'PORT': '', 'TEST': {'COLLATION': None, 'CHARSET':
>> None, 'NAME': None, 'MIRROR': None}}}
>> I think there is no database being used.
>> I also have to make some few notes:
>> out in local_settings.py in my_geonode (Geonode-Project Dev)*
>> *2 - Geoserver Port is 8080 in Geonode(apt-get) and 6060  in
>> my_geonode(Geonode-Project Dev), but both are running fine.*
>> Thank you very much for your time and patience.
>> I appreciated it.
>> Julierme
>> 2018-04-19 4:29 GMT-03:00 Toni Schönbuchner <toni.schoenbuchner at csgis.de>
>> :
>>> Dear Julierme,
>>> I haven´t followed the whole thread but have a look at this comment:
>>>        'ENGINE': '', # Empty ENGINE name disables
>>> See if things change if you set ENGINE to geonode in your project.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Toni
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>>>        'ENGINE': '', # Empty ENGINE name disables
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