[GeoNode-users] GeoNode2.8.0 installed from source Thumbnails Error

Jesús de Diego Alarcón jesdial at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 10:07:19 PDT 2018

Hi Toni

I supposed (in fact Julierme has mentioned it in different emails) that he
has followed this tutorial:
including the the last points:

As you can see, this includes configure Apache to be listening in port nº
80 ...


Jesús de Diego

2018-06-10 11:07 GMT+02:00 Toni Schönbuchner <toni.schoenbuchner at csgis.de>:

> Dear Julierme,
> I have GeoNode at 2.8.0. installed in a virtualenv according to
> http://docs.geonode.org/en/master/tutorials/install_and_
> admin/geonode_install/index.html. The thumbnails created by loading data
> from GeoNode interface do not work at all.
> They are displayed if and only if I upload the layers from GeoServer
> interface and in a next step, run python manage.py updatelayers. It is very
> interesting what happens here: after running updatelayers, if I go to
> GeoNode interface, I see the thumbnail perfectly fine, but doing a right
> click over it and copy image location, the response is an OWS url as I am
> showing bellow. However If a make a request to the database,
> get_thumbnail_url, the response is a http://localhost:8000/. Why port
> 8000?
> I just did a test with a dev installation from master. ( Should not make
> any difference
> to 2.8. ) Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your behavior. See my test here:
> https://vimeo.com/274319749
> *It´s of importance that I did not change anything in settings.py nor
> pavement.py*
> *This means: *
> *Django* is started on port 8000 as pavement.py defines:
> https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode/blob/master/pavement.py#L576
> *Geoserver* is made available by Jetty which runs on port 8080:
> https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode/blob/master/pavement.py#L659
> And introduced to *geonode in django* settings here:
> https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode/blob/master/geonode/settings.py#L721
> This should give you an overview for used ports in dev mode.
> If I remove port 8000, the thumbnails work like a charm in port 80.
> This does not make sense as with above there is no service listening on
> port 80!
> Do you run several instances at the same time?
> check:
> $ lsof -i :80 | grep LISTEN
> A brilliant idea came out. Let's compare GeoNode at 2.8.0 stable installed
> via
> apt-get with GeoNode at 2.8.0 installed from source in a python virtualenv.
> In production geonode installs apache which listens on port 80!
> Then apache vhost forwards requests from port 80 to the wsgiDaemon
> ( https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/howto/deployment/wsgi/ )
> In other words it´s not that easy to compare both setups.
> If it helps for you: If you´re testing on a local VM run over virtualbox
> I could offer that I´m having a look at it? In this case it would be needed
> that you send me the box somehow.
> Besides this, last week Olivier Dalang drew my attention at his work
> running
> geonode by use of docker. See: https://github.com/olivierdalang/SPCgeonode
> This is an alternative to the official geonode docker stack.
> As with geonode 'dev setup‘ this installation is meant to be used for
> customisations.
> It´s worth to have a look at it - all you have to do is install docker on
> your current
> platform, clone the repository and run docker-compose up --build -d
> After a while you´ll have a solid running geonode on at port 80
> ;)
> Cheers,
> Toni
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Jesús de Diego Alarcón
jesdial at gmail.com

"La vida es linda, lo malo es que muchos confunden lindo con fácil."
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